November 22, 2023

Tips and Tricks to Win 8 ball pool

By Ovais Mirza

Know the Regulations

Read about the rules for 8 ball pools in general, but remember in particular:

  • If a ball does not hit the edge of the table, it’s a foul shot. It allows your opponent to move the ball anywhere on the table.
  • You’ll lose the game if you pot the black and the cue ball goes down. Look at the guideline of Cueball when you lined up this last shot!
  • After all your object balls have been potted, put in the black last.
  • In a stage that requires a pocket call on the 8 ball, potting the 8 ball into an unknown pocket will cause a loss.
  • The 8 ball from a shot break is not a foul. The 8 ball is put on the table and the other player passes the game.


You can make several types of breaks, but there’s no single type. But the two most effective breaks use are:

  • Hit the first ball right in the triangle and use the top spin to drive the pack further.
  • Hit the second of the end ball smoothly as it could use full reverse spin to hit the cue ball and go back into the pack.
  • Go for number 1 personally, as it gets several balls in and the balls are nicely spread. I cleaned the table with this, too, in one go, balls are in so good places. However, a soft shot sometimes can be better, as this can leave the pack fairly unshaken, so that it makes better players play a more tactical game.

Choosing spots or stripes

Your choice of spots or stripes can determine whether you win the game. Just because you have potted a certain type of ball or even several on the break does not necessarily mean that you should make that a decision. Look at the position of all the balls on the table, how many are potted? How well are the balls spread? Which set gives you the best opportunity for clarification? All these questions must be clear before you proceed.

Watch your power

The power you use on your shots is almost as important as how precise you aim at them. The more difficult you get a shot, the more likely it will stay out. In many cases a soft touch gives the ball a better opportunity to fall into the hole. This is especially important information when trying to pot into these challenging middle pockets. Be careful, however, not to use too little power! A straight shot you don’t want to miss because you hit it too softly. Don’t “hit and hope,” judge how much power each shot requires and adjust accordingly.

Future plan

Think one, two, or even three shots in front of you. In this respect, you can start thinking about what kind of spin or how much power you need to shoot. Admittedly, the game clock prevents you from spending as much time as some people want to do, but it’s quite simply a must to improve your game.

Beware first of all of the white instructions and in which direction it points to the point of contact with the object ball. Then look around and think about what would be a good place to leave the cue ball to make your next shot. Then consider how difficult it is to hit the ball to get it in the best position. The softer you hit it, the longer it runs, the harder it gets, the more it’s off the way. If you’re playing a dead straight shot and hitting it hard then the cue ball will sit where the object ball was, a stun shot.


In short, if the contact point is placed at the bottom of the ball, the cue ball rotates after it contains the object ball. The more spin you want, the lower the point and the rate of spin you should set, the more power you choose.

If you place the point of contact on the top of the cue ball, the more spin you hit, the more you make the cue ball come in contact with the object ball.

Side is the final form, you can use it to change the angle the cue ball takes when the cushion is taken away. If you were to spin right, the ball hit the coil and bounced more to the right than if you hit it in the middle. Another thing that has an effect on the angle of the cue ball when it leaves the pad is the speed at which it travels. The faster it journeys, the straighter the ball bounces and the slower the angle it takes. Very useful to get out of tight snookers where it would normally be almost impossible.

Avoid sinking the cue ball – add some backbone to the cue ball and stop there. But a lot of spin power can send it out of control and into a pocket! Have a game with spin, you need to get to know how much spin you need in different situations.