get blog subscribers
November 22, 2023

How to Get Blog Subscribers using Digital Marketing

By Ovais Mirza

How to Get Blog Subscribers using Digital Marketing

In this article you will learn three valuable methods to get blog subscribers using digital marketing methods – If you do have blog of your own & you are investing time to promote it, then you already know the importance of getting traffic to your blog and one of the effective ways to drive the traffic to your blog is to have good number of subscribers to your blog.  Once you build up the list of subscribers than whatever you post on your blog will automatically deliver to all the subscribers of your blog and you will in-return will get the traffic from the real human beings. In Digital Marketing, getting blog subscribers are quite helpful to get traffic to your blog.

Get Blog Subscribers


Blogging is part of digital marketing and as a professional blogger; your primary aim should be to attract readership and also how to turn the readers into subscribers of your blog. As the content on your blog is the major tool to get the blog traffic, it is also the unique and fresh content that can turn your visitors or reader into subscribers. Unique and attractive content is in fact the best way to get blog subscribers in digital marketing. Join Digital Marketing Course from DICC to know as how you can build up the list of subscribers to your blog.

Even though, the qualities of good quality & uniqueness of your blog content cannot be underestimated. But still the number of subscribers to your is a metric which every professional blogger aims to achieve using digital marketing methods. Following are some of the methods to get blog subscribers.


#1. By offering Valuable Incentives


Bloggers can offer good incentives to their visitors or blog readers. It is not essential for bloggers to create that incentive element on your own.

These incentives can be in the form of, a free e-book, video or audio, podcast, etc. as a goodwill gift. But ensure that whatever you offer is something worth for your visitor to encourage him or her into becoming blog subscriber. That incentive should also have the qualities of:

(i) Uniqueness: That product must be unique to make the visitor feel privileged to subscribe to your blog.

(ii) High Value: That product must be of high value to make your blog appear as worthy for
subscription to the visitor.

But note that these incentive items should not be a one-time take away luxury.

Some clever subscribers might subscribe and then unsubscribe immediately after acquiring your digital incentive. So, give away your product or incentive in parts. e.g. this can be done by allowing a subscriber to get first few chapters of an e-book. Then, you can call for a certain action before gifting them the subsequent part(s) of it. In the long term, the subscribers of a specific niche would also share your digital product with other similar users.

The digital product would bear your blog website address or identity, and this would consequently propagate your mission and vision. And hence, indirectly helping your purpose of being known in the community, attracting new visitors and finally turning them into subscribers.

#2. Strong Networking


You as a blogger should never aim at becoming a standalone blogger. Your blog must be connected to other blogs and known to the community for attracting traffic. This therefore, calls for building blog networks and relationships with other bloggers. Particularly, building relations with well-known blogs have high attached value.

The blogging community would start giving you more purchase and importance, thus adding to your reputation. This consequently would bring more traffic to your blog and help the community in knowing and subscribing to your blog.

You can also write for other blogs as a guest writer which would further open up the opportunities for attracting readership.

#3. Call to Action and Subscription Importance

Just make sure that you are displaying the call to action link at the right place and in right manner. It can be simple text, a button, or an image. The incorporation of this should be in e-mail opt-in form and also with RSS subscription link.

Also elaborate precisely yet shortly on what users would get if they for subscribing to your blog. Use catchy phrases such as; ‘Want to know more – Subscribe immediately’ or ‘Subscribe to us – get great offers’, etc. can be put in appropriate locations on the page. This is of paramount importance as the visitors at times want to subscribe but they have to search for the subscription link on the page. So, place the link in an easily viewable place to cash-in the impressed viewers and readily turning them into your subscribers.

What do you do to boost your blog subscribers? Share your ideas with us in the comment section below as always!