If you are a blogger, then “Affiliate Marketing” is one term that you might have heard so many times. But are you sure you know much about it? As a blogger, it’s a great way to earn money online from your blog. In this guide, we will be talking about how to do affiliate marketing, make the best out of it and from the highest paying affiliate programs you can ever find.
Complete Guide to Affiliate Marketing Success
What is Affiliate Marketing?
I think the simplest way of describing its that when you work as a publisher for a company or business to promote their products by helping them to sell it more or do an action based conversion, and in return you get a commission for each sales. That’s it. You find them deals and they will pay you commissions. That’s even more simple. Right?. And these kinda publishers are called Affiliates.
Please Note That : Affiliate Marketing can be done in many other ways than from blogging. But in this guide, we will be only looking into ways to become a better affiliate as a blogger. Some people say it’s the easiest way to make money online. But the fact is – “It ain’t”. It will be only easy when you can deliver the deals the right way and at precise conditions.
Let’s have an example. There is a company named Traffic Assault Team which provides affiliation facility to promote their product for gaining 60% to 70% commission per sale. It’s actually a worth system to drive traffic the Ethical Way and since I recommend it through my blog, there are chances that people might buy it using my link.
So I get commissions through the sale. The customer gets a useful and worth buying system, they company get’s cash from their product they made, and I get commission for finding them deals. So it’s a Win-Win-Win situation for 3 of us. Totally awesome. Right?
Are you Eligible for becoming a Super Affiliate?
Speaking of Super-Affiliates, you might have heard of Zac Johnson who drive big cash to his wallet through his blogs and connections as an Affiliate Marketer. You might wanna read his Affiliate Marketing Guide which can help you even better than this one. I really respect that guy and he totally deserves it. Before you start Marketing Affiliate stuffs on your blog, it’s mandatory that you ask these questions to yourself.
Are you having the Right Audience?
What’s worth promoting products without having a strong Audience Base? Well, it’s not about Huge Traffic or Readership, but it’s about the right audience who can make use of the products you are promoting on your blog. There are many types of people on the internet and only the right type of them can do the magic to your Affiliate Marketing career.
Learn how to gain Targeted Audience to your business to make sure it won’t be overwhelming to you.
Do they Trust You?
Will you buy something that’s recommended by a trespasser who says it can change your life? Hell No! If you will, you might probably have some mental problems that needs to be fixed. Just kidding
I love to kill time by gaming on my PC. And I have a friend who is a serious gamer and I know about his expertise on the field. So, when I want to play something new, I’d definitely go to him to pitch up something new and worth buying for me. Without any second thought, I will be out in the local store it buy it. See what happened here? I trust him on that field and whenever he recommends me something, I know it’ll be worth buying.
One wrong move and It’s over
Now, why don’t you make use of this strategy to increase your conversions? Use your blog, content, social media and way of doing things to build trust with your audience and let them get to know that you’re an expert on the game. So become the Go-To expert and with that trust, you can increase your conversions.
It’s easy to break trust of your Audience by recommending the wrong things. But it ain’t easy to build a strong bond that can do magic to your career. One wrong move and you’re out!
Are the Products worth buying?
It’s one hell of a question you need to ask yourself every time you link something up as an affiliate on your blog. Are they worth buying from the side of your readers? Like I said before, “One wrong move and you’re out!“. You need to make sure that your costumers won’t be disappointed after buying a product that you recommended.
Make sure your recommending it on the Right Place.
Make sure it’s related to your Niche.
Make sure it’s Fail Proof.
And Make sure they won’t throw rotten tomatoes at you in the end.
Okay, I think you can proceed if you are good with these 3 questions! And I DO want to recommend you an eBook which can really help you with affiliate marketing if you are a newbie on the game. It’s called the Affiliate Marketing Guide for Newbies written by an expert on the field.
How To Promote Affiliate Products via Your Blog?
In this part, let’s talk about the ways you can promote, convert your audience into customers and earn commission from products via your blog.
Well, the traditional way of promoting things ain’t that bad. Set up a banner advertisement on your sidebar , below the post or anywhere you feel it might grab some mouse clicks. But make sure you don’t,
Over Advertise.
Show ads that looks ugly.
Place them in the wrong places.
Repeat them all over.
Show with what you are Powering up with.
If you have something (product/e-book/system) that might feel appealing to your audience on your blog (which you run through or you use it), it’s a great idea to promote them on your blog itself if they provides an Affiliate deal.
Promote the Hosting Company which you’re using.
Promote the Theme Company which you’re using.
Promote the plugins which might help others.
Promote other products that others know you are using.
Recommend the Right Product at the Right Time
Use your articles.
Linking up products inside blog posts is one thing that works for me most of the time. Last day, I’ve decided to add up one useful affiliate product each in the Traffic Building Guide and Search Engine Optimization Guide. Well from the next day, I was having at least 2 sales from each of them and I wonder why I didn’t think about it earlier.
So it’ll be a great move if you do it too. When you write new blog posts, just recommend products that your readers might feel like buying and you will start to see your conversions go higher. But make sure you,
Don’t destroy the articles with affiliate links.
Don’t promote unrelated affiliate products.
Link it with the right Anchor texts.
Let them know that it’s an affiliate link.
Tell them why they should buy it. (Advantages)
Don’t act like you’re forcing them to buy the products…
Product Reviews.
It’s yet another way of increasing your sales. Promoting a product by writing a featured review about it is something that increases the conversions for sure. But it’s a must thing to make sure that the product is well-known in the circle and it’s something that can change the game. Don’t just start reviewing products on your blog to increase your sales. Review products to give something new and useful to your readers. Don’t forget that your readers come first. Give them the priority.
Well, let’s just think a little bit outside the box. Shall we?
Make use of the Social Media.
I’m pretty sure that as a blogger – you have a wide social media presence full of readers, business people and bloggers on the same niche. If you don’t – it’s a must thing that you build your own online presence, so build it.
Last day, I’ve tried uploading an Image to my Facebook Fan Page with my BlueHost affiliate link and including why people must transfer to their powerful hosting servers. Later on next day, I was so excited to see that I made exactly 7 new conversions with it. Well, it worked.
So why don’t you try the same, make use of your Facebook, Twitter and Google+ accounts to increase your passive income from Affiliate commissions?
Your Email Lists – Newsletter.
Your newsletter is a great idea for reaching out your audiences and loyal blog readers. With it you can actually start a conversation with them or tell them about something new. So when you feel like introducing some guides or product to your readers, just send a mass mail to them using your newsletter.
If you haven’t started Email Marketing, learn more it about it from the guide I wrote about building powerful email lists which might help you.
Direct Contacts.
If you have a good readership base blog, you can actually reach out to your audience individually, talk to them and introduce products that might help them with their business. Studying them and knowing what they exactly needs is a great way to pick the right product and recommend it for them.
Since it’s a direct approach, they will feel special and buys it from you – giving out commissions for you.
That’s all I can think of right now.
Over to You!
Wow, I can’t believe you read a 1600+ word article and I very much hope this guide have brought something new to you by making Affiliate Marketing more interesting, easy and working for you.
Do tell me about how you felt after finishing this guide by commenting. I’ve bunked my class and it took 4 hours to complete this post after reading many other tips around the web and bringing it whole in one piece. The least you can do me as a favor if you feel it’s worth it is by sharing it across your Social Networks and spreading the word.
Thanks a lot for your patience! If you have an idea to promote affiliate products with another way or if you want to add up some other strategies, don’t forget to speak out in the discussion below. Best of luck mate.