November 22, 2023

When And Why Redirection Should Take Place

By Ovais Mirza

I hope my article will cover most of the things about Redirection including when and why redirection should take place ? Do let me know if i missed something here

A forwarding always comes into play when a page has changed the address, so if for example they have changed their domain outdated pages or move to an archive or a restructuring of the site have made. As a webmaster you have (especially with commercial offerings) an interest that the visitor is not on a vile – make “404 page not found”, but can be passed to the new address. But how do I implement a redirect or what types of redirects are there? How search engines respond? and why redirection should take place?

First, the question arises as client-side redirect or server-side redirect.

Server-side redirect
Server-based redirects are possible, always preferable to the client based redirects. The most popular types of server-side redirect is on Apache (. Htaccess) and PHP. For what they decide exactly is – apart from the technical possibilities offered by their provider – basically do not care.

The second important question in connection with server-side redirects the HTTP status code. The server may return different codes, we are interested here only the status codes 301 and 302 By default, server-side redirects the code uses 302, they should better return but three hundred and first

Why redirection should take place?

301 – Moved Permanently (The page has been moved permanently)
If the status code 301, the PageRank is adopted. 301 signals the spider, the address is outdated and that he only intended to use the new address.

302 – Moved Permanently (The page has been moved temporarily)
Status code 302 is in danger of so-called URL hijacking or domain hijacking. A page that switches to relay through 302, the contents of the new address as their own. If the forwarding address it “stronger” (that is, has a higher PageRank) as the destination address, then it displaces the destination address from the search engines index and sub pages will be devalued. For commercial sites hijacking is therefore a huge financial loss.

302 redirects are sometimes encountered in web directories. Therefore, one should also pay attention whether the catalogs where you sign up, forward, perhaps their entries with the status code 302nd Which HTTP status code is returned to the spider can, for example, with the online tool to test Web-Sniffer.

For them the means, however, that if they have a domain and forward it changed from the old to the new domain with status code 302, that is listed in the search engines still use the old domain with the contents of the new domain because its old domain most likely has yet to even a higher PR, as their new domain. Your new domain will not appear in the search results when they made the 302 – to make a 301 redirect.

Methods for Redirection

And how do I implement a 301 redirect with PHP or. Htaccess (Apache)?

PHP redirect

Example: exit prevents the subsequent code is executed. Other than that it would make no sense, then still want to run code because it goes directly to the command header and always must precede the issue.

Because, as I said earlier, by default, a 302-redirect is used, we have using header (“Status: 301 Moved Permanently”); explicitly force a 301 redirect. If header (“Status: 301 Moved Permanently”), so lacking, we have a redirect with status code 302nd

. Htaccess redirect

Redirect 301 / directory / example.html
In fact I need to lose any more big words. Of / directory / example.html is routed and delivered to status code 301 to the Spider – finished.

This would refer to “server-side redirect” end, we come to client-side redirects …

Client-side redirects

Client-side redirects are in almost all cases, only a stopgap. This workaround must e.g. recourse if their internet provider does not support server-side redirects. Client-side redirects made by meta-refresh tag or via JavaScript. Therefore, they unfortunately have the disadvantage that the redirect by meta refresh or JavaScript is not supported by all browsers, or JavaScript is turned off. Therefore, one should add the next forward even an ordinary clickable link (which also has the advantage that the search engines follow this link).

In addition, client-side redirects cause their pages fly from the index or devalued are – this is not however necessarily, as there are in Google also regularly seen pages that are available despite client-side redirect in the SERPs very high up.

Well, that real problem in client-side redirect, and the reason why this type of transfer can lead to exclusion from the search engines is that Meta-and JavaScript-forwarding are often used by spammers. Client-side redirects do not return a status code, so they can forget about 301 and 302 and the Spider too, because the spider cannot distinguish this status code a redirect and not a stinkingly normal website. Spider process also does not support JavaScript. Forwarders are indexed by the search engines so as much as other websites.

Spammers now smuggle highly optimized forwarding pages in the index of search engines and redirect all visitors who come through these highly optimized pages, continue on the actual page. Because forwards are quite normal web pages and they can also have content, as opposed to server-side redirects. Unfortunately, the content of client-side redirects are not identical with the contents of the new address.

Okay, so much as a warning. And here’s how:

Meta-refresh redirect

Example:The 15 indicates that 15 seconds to wait until the browser is supposed to forward to Too low a value can cause the transmission speed is considered as spam. The opinions of scholars about the minimum specification is something apart, some say that the transfer should take place not earlier than after 15 seconds, others say 30 seconds or more.

Incidentally, it can be very confusing and annoying to visitors when they are suddenly transferred without premonition, if they are still trying to read them (this applies to JavaScript redirects, too). In contrast, server-side redirects the visitor with nothing of the transfer.

Hope now you have understood that when and why redirection should take place and what are different methods for redirection.

To know the practical implementation as when and why redirection should take place and methods for redirection join digital marketing institute in Delhi.