November 22, 2023

PUBG Mobile Secret Locations

By Ovais Mirza

PUBG Mobile is one of the most trending game ever in history, with kilometers of maps that even the most learned veteran of the game would be unable to recollect. In this short guide, we would rattle off the absolute most significant secret places in PUBG Mobile that can surrender you a leg on your street to the chicken dinner. 

While individuals normally would be ignorant regarding these areas, some may really be in the known, you should be continually watchful for deceives or abrupt assaults while in these areas. 

PUBG Mobile Secret Locations 2021

1) Hide on top of the PCs in Erangel 

While you can’t generally discover numerous usable weapons from this sort of spot, it is as yet a pretty valuable area to use as a hideout to assault your enemies. In the event that you make an unexpected assault from here, it is far-fetched that the enemies would have the option to see it coming. 

The area is on the southern island, in the region of the Sosnovka Military Base. On the off chance that the last hover is around this spot, you would have the option to utilize this fort for your potential benefit. 

At the point when you see a bunch of PCs, you can simply get on top of them and arrive at the edge. It is improbable that anybody would have the option to discover you there.

2) Hidden cave loaded up with uncommon things on Vikendi 

This area is situated on the north side of Podvosto. It is a shrouded secret cave with a fairly high roof. To get entrance, you have to separate the entryway/blockade of the cave, which resembles a stone. Many individuals think about this area so, in the event that you need to get the free rules of it, speed is basic. Land on a spot with brought forth vehicles close by, drive anything you’ve gotten from that at max throttle toward the stone entryway and crush it to pieces. 

You will see a lot of red drop boxes inside the caver. It is a secret stash brimming with high-level things, uncommon guns, and attachments. You can get all the airdrop weapons here. In any case, enemies may come soon, and stuck inside a cave with just a single method to get out isn’t something you ought to try and consider. 

Hence, it is fundamental that you get all the required things and jolt out of the cave at the earliest opportunity. With your recently gained weapons, you can either lay a trap at the entryway or simply get to another area on the map. 

3) Snipe Quickly on top of a tall tower in Erangel 

The following secret area is situated close to the site of Novorepnaye. Close to the slope, you will see a major steel tower that you can move to get the ideal vantage point scout the overall zone. 

Simply follow the supporting shaft and move as high as could reasonably be expected, given that you have discovered a decent expert rifleman rifle already, you would have the option to essentially control the territory and making short work of any moving toward enemies. This would be the last area that individuals would attempt to look its shortcoming, in any case, is that your character would experience the ill effects of the genuine injury on the off chance that you jumble up and tumble down from the tower. 

4) Climb on top of a tree in Erangel 

You can jump on top of a loft close to the School area and from that point, you can climb onto a tall tree close by. While this area may appear to be only a straightforward fort, it is impossible that individuals would have the option to sort this out. PUBG Mobile players as a rule have the worst vertical mindfulness, as they don’t have the simplicity of control that the console(keyboard) and mouse would give. 

When you are on top of the tree, you must be cautious about your development, as you can tumble down from it pretty effectively and get injured. It is ideal to set up an emergency treatment unit heretofore. This spot is best on the last circle, you would have the option to see each one of those creeping enemies well in advance and finish them off. 

5) A cave with a ton of valuable weapons on Miramar 

There are unquestionably a significant number of insider facts covered up on the sands of Miramar, nonetheless, relatively few of them are sufficiently large to give you a nice favorable position aside from one secret place. 

Close to Los Leones, there is a pretty cool detect that resembles a plain mine on the smaller than the mini-map. When you land and gain admittance to that area, you would have the option to discover important things like high-level degrees, Assault Rifles like AKM, M416, and G36C. You can even cover up inside that opening to lay a snare too, however, it isn’t recommended.