Learn Ethical Hacking from Basics
November 22, 2023

Learn Ethical Hacking from Basics

By Ovais Mirza

With the rise of terrorism, foreign wars, and organisations supporting cyber-attackers in their social engineering assaults, whether to extort large sums of money or to compromise national security, an ethical hacking course is becoming increasingly important.

According to the CSIS (Centre for Strategic and International Studies), no less than two defence firms in Central Europe were hacked in June 2020 by alleged North Korean hackers who sent bogus job offers to their employees while posing as representatives from major US defence contractors. Similarly, the National Security Agency (NSA) announced in May 2020 that Russian hackers linked to the GRU had been exploiting a bug that could give them remote access to and control of US servers.

Cybersecurity specialists and IT security professionals are continually tasked with ensuring that employees are aware of security risks. They must also keep their hack-prevention techniques up to date on a regular basis, deploying different tools to protect the device and network from malicious hackers.

The EC-Certified Council’s Ethical Hacker (CEH) training programme and credentialing are widely recognised and trusted in the field of ethical hacking. Certified Ethical Hackers can be used in a variety of sectors and in some of the most prestigious organisations.

Also Read: Career Options in Ethical Hacking and Ethical Hacking Course in Delhi

What is the concept of ethical hacking?

Ethical hacking, also known as Pen Testing, Intrusion Testing, Red Teaming, or Penetration Testing, is a legal act of breaking into a network or system’s protection to look for possible assaults, data breaches, bugs, or risks. Ethical hacking attempts to put a company’s network and system protections to the test by breaking into computers and systems within the company legally.

Hacking can affect any entity, system, website, computer, or operation. Ethical hackers play a role in this. Their role entails preventing malicious Hackers from stealing or distorting organisational data, preventing networks with real-world evaluation, defending national security by preventing data from falling into malicious actors’ hands, and so on.

Ethical hackers receive Ethical Hacking training in the form of qualification programmes and meet the clients’ criteria to determine their entire weaknesses and risks. Following a maturity scoreboard regarding future organisational risks, they also make recommendations for changes. Hackers come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but ethical hackers are known as white hat hackers because they want to help rather than harm.

Also Read: Importance of Ethical Hacking and Need For Ethical Hacking Training in Delhi

Is it possible for me to learn ethical hacking on my own?

Ethical hacking is a discipline that necessitates a high level of expertise. Although you can practise ethical hacking on your own, you will need to put in a lot of time and effort to acquire the requisite expertise, experience, and understanding of the fundamentals of hacking and penetration testing.

It is important that you devote sufficient time to learning about hacking. Once you’ve done that, you’ll need to stay on top of the latest bugs, exploitation techniques, technologies, and best practises.

You must learn about IAAS in ethical hacking, network firewall in ethical hacking, enumeration in ethical hacking, SQL Injection attack, DoS and DDoS, password guessing and cracking, and many other topics as an ethical hacker. You must not only be book smart, but also smart enough to comprehend the mindset of a malicious Hacker and the situation on the ground.

If you want to pursue this career path, becoming a Certified Ethical Hacker and taking other Ethical Hacking courses is the best decision you can make. An ethical hacking course will teach you the skills you’ll need to become a successful ethical hacker.

Aside from that, ethical hacking is a lucrative profession that pays up to $90,000 per year on average. Ethical hackers and information security researchers are expected to see a 32 percent rise in work prospects from 2018 to 2028, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). When you become qualified, you are in a win-win situation.

Is it difficult to learn ethical hacking?

Ethical hacking isn’t difficult in and of itself, but it is a highly technical task. You must have extensive knowledge of computer systems, operating systems, and computer networking, as well as a firm command of the programming language. It’s easy to understand hacking, but it’s more challenging to understand the mind of a cybercriminal.

To succeed as an ethical hacker, you’ll need a lot of experience, which is why the CEH certification is so important because it proves your expertise in the field. Similarly, you can participate in an online Ethical hacking course to learn more expertise. Several tools are available to assist you with decryption and encryption of messages and images, as well as exploitation and other tasks.

What are the fundamental prerequisites for learning ethical hacking?

To be eligible for this role, you must have the basic competence, meet the basic educational criteria, complete the requisite training and certification, and have work experience.

Basic Capabilities

One of the most professional fields of information security is ethical hacking. It necessitates a thorough understanding of computer systems, as well as IT techniques and technologies. To be a good hacker, you must first learn the requisite skills.

Hard skills

  • Security Concepts & Technologies Computer Skills
  • ARP, DHCP, NAT, DNS, Subnetting, VLANs, MAC addressing, IPv4, IPv6, Public v Private IP, Routers and Switches, OSI model Virtualization, ARP, DHCP, NAT, DNS, Subnetting, VLANs, MAC addressing, IPv4, IPv6, Public v Private IP, Routers and Switches
  • Awareness of databases
  • Digital Forensics with Advanced TCP/IP Wireshark or Tcpdump
  • Cryptography is a technique for encrypting
  • Scripting for Web Applications
  • Linux Expertise
  • Technologies based on wireless communication

Soft skills

  • Ability to solve problems
  • Persistence is a virtue.
  • Looking outside the box
  • Ability to communicate
  • Skills in analysis
  • Education is required.

Most employers require you to have a bachelor’s degree in cybersecurity or a related profession, such as computer engineering, since ethical hacking is a professional discipline. Having a master’s degree in a similar field will also help you find work.

Certification and Basic Training

Ethical hackers will be required to complete Ethical Hacking training and obtain certification in order to demonstrate to the hiring committee that they have the requisite skills for this role.

Participants in an Ethical Hacking certification course will gain experience with penetration testing, learn about new vulnerabilities and cybersecurity threats, and improve the realistic hacking skills required to operate as an Ethical Hacker.

Job knowledge

Some employers also require that you have relevant work experience in computer technology. As a result, Ethical Hackers may start out as network defenders, penetration testers, or systems analysts.

How long does it take to learn how to hack ethically?

Hacking is a vast area that requires years of practise to master. It all depends on how much time you devote each day to learning to hack. Before you can truly attempt hacking, you must have a clear understanding of programming. If they are fully committed to this mission, a few people will learn a moderate skill set in two years.

The Certified Ethical Hacking (CEH) certification programme takes five days to complete, depending on the Ethical Hacking course you are taking.

Why should you study to become a Certified Ethical Hacker?

There are many reasons why you should enrol in EC-Certified Council’s Ethical Hacker training programme and certification. CEH is also ANSI 17024-compliant, and it’s classified as a baseline certification on the US Department of Defence’s (DoD) 8570/8140 Directive, the British NCSC Intelligence Agency, and a number of other documents.

Taking an ethical hacking course is, at the end of the day, extremely helpful. Every day, new malware, worms, ransomware, viruses, and other attacks are created, raising the need for Ethical Hackers to protect corporate networks, government agencies, and other organisations from malicious attacks. Additionally, ethical hacking preparation raises the perception of emerging cybersecurity threats that could damage your credibility.

Cyberattacks may also result in the theft of confidential and useful information. It can also cause your device and networks to malfunction, rendering your data inaccessible. Since we don’t know how professional the new attack vectors are, ethical hacking is a good idea. According to Cybersecurity Projects, the annual global cost of cyberattacks is expected to exceed $6 trillion by 2021.

With this experience in mind, cybersecurity specialists must take the lead in combating malicious hacking using specialised hacker skills. To win the fight against cybercrime, it’s also time to build advanced skillsets with courses like the EC-Certified Council’s Ethical Hacker Course.