November 22, 2023

How to disable WhatsApp stickers

By Ovais Mirza

As per many people, the concept of WhatsApp stickers was nothing but an annoying feature that is actually of no use in the first place. Apart from this several among them started hating the overall concept of WhatsApp stickers considering them way too annoying or I can say downright intrusive. This is the main reason that most of the people using this amazing messenger app started disabling this very feature. Apart from this one more issue that was considered a lot more annoying was several users tend to spam their contacts with the stickers by which people started being irritated most of the time. The stickers in WhatsApp are way much bigger than the normal emojis and started getting saved in the gallery without the permission of the user.

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Overall, it is not an easy task that this feature of stickers can be disabled in this article we are going to discuss everything regarding how can the stickers be disabled from WhatsApp in few easy steps. So, if you are someone who is been searching for the answer to the same question then this is the place for you. Keep reading. First thing first as we know that the sticker feature is been successfully coded into the app and thus cannot be easily disabled or blocked just by following normal steps. In simple words, it is not wrong to say that the app is designed to have stickers in it and can be used by people and thus should not be blocked by anyone in specific. So, this is a very simple concept that if any other WhatsApp user wants to send you a sticker then you cannot prevent that from happening. Apart from this many active users of this app from the past few years have suggested one to use power-saving mode or using an older version will help in achieving some tricks in the process for sure. So, let’s start looking at each of these briefly:

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Methods to disable WhatsApp stickers

  1. The first method that we are going to talk about to enable power-saving mode. It is mostly seen by a lot of active users of the app that one is not able to see the stickers available here if the power saving mode is been enabled. But as soon as the power saving mode is disabled the stickers will be stated to be visible again. The steps that are followed to enable power saving mode is first this one should do is go directly go to the settings and in there select the option of battery and then switch to the power-saving mode.
  2. The second method that I would like to discuss is the use of the older version of the WhatsApp as many users has suggested this tip as one the best method to get yourself away from the WhatsApp stickers been launched in the new update a few months back. The first thing that one should keep in mind is that stickers are the only available in the latest version of the app. Thus, this simply means that you get rid of the stickers just by reverting them to an older version. There are many websites present online that allows one to download the older version of WhatsApp without facing many difficulties. But two huge problems come in handy with this method. The first one is that there is some unwanted software such as the one popularly known as adware which most of the time tag along with the actual app. That is the reason one must always choose a reliable download option that has some reputation. The second main problem here is that if the older version is used that that will not support your device latest android OS releases. So, if you can install the older version at last then there will be some features that will remain bounded due to bugs mostly. The main this is the choice made by you. One thing that must be kept note that one can easily remove the stickers that are not liked from the library of stickers made available by the WhatsApp app.

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 Let’s see the steps involved to remove stickers from WhatsApp:

  1. The first thing to do here is to Launch the WhatsApp app on your device and then tap the stickers icon mentioned in there.
  2. In there locate the sticker bar and then in there kindly do long-press the stickers to want to remove from the library list.
  3. There will be a confirmation message directly pop up to ask if you want to remove the stickers or not kindly choose the option as per your wish. The two option will be yes or no. And then hit ok to delete the sticker. You are in here not allowed to remove the single stickers from the pack as you have to delete the whole pack.


The method mentioned above has been of great use as already confirmed by many active users. I hope the information is of some use to my readers.