November 22, 2023

Guest Blogging For Digital Marketing and SEO

By Ovais Mirza

Guest blogging is one of the simplest methods to create and grow your online business. Many bloggers and web marketing experts are using it to build backlinks, traffic, leads, conversions and subscribers list. But do you think you can use guest blogging for SEO.

If so then how & if not then why?

Today Google is bringing 500 plus algorithmic updates per year. They are also considering 200 plus different signals while ranking any webpage on SERPs. And most probably Google is going to include author rank in their ranking signals in 2013. So its very clear that the way to higher position on search result is not an easy task anymore. Especially after the release of Panda and Penguin updates, the life of bloggers and webmasters have become more difficult.

The only way to survive is to build informative contents for humans and to create authorship in your niche. In this article I have added two tutorials which will help you modify your own guest post guidelines and will help you improve your overall SEO effort.

How to Use Guest Blogging for SEO

Guest blogging takes a lot of effort then you might have ever thought of. You need to prepare mentally, physically and technically in order to achieve what you desire. The better you will plan your task, then better will your output and result.

Actually today almost every blog offers you to become their site’s guest author. But not all of them are appropriate. If you really want to improve you SEO and pagerank, then make sure that you select ” YOUR  NICHE RELATED ” website. You can use tools like Market samurai, ahrefs to check the top ranking domain for particular keyword of your interest. And then you may conform if they allow you to write any guest posts. Like this you will be able to receive maximum traffic and authorship.

You should also collect information on their pagerank, Alexa rank, subscribers and their influence on social media. Collect the information, make a list and then finally choose the best one for your campaign. You can also check out the video which I have added below to know more about the best guest post guidelines from the Google’s head of anti-web spam matt cutts.

UPDATE: I have just added another video from seomoz which offers the best guest post guidelines to follow. I think you should match your strategy and see if anything is wrong.

What’s Your Guest Blogging Strategy?

So have you made any strategy for your content writing? That’s you intention, you want to write to build backlinks or to build authorship. If you have got a chance to write for a popular blog or website, then you must create an outstanding, informative and easy to read post. Make sure it is in the interest of the readers.

Just creating articles is not enough; you have to build trust in your readers. Since losing the trust of your readers is very easy, but it will take lots of effort and time to build it again. Below are few of the points to consider.

  • Always be niche specific.
  • Create articles for their readers and not for backlinks.
  • Always interlink to some popular articles.
  • Your outbond links should be appropriate.
  • Keep you reading scale above 70%. Flesch Reading Ease test can help you determine you readability.
  • Always check your posts for any spelling errors before submitting it for review.
  • Always create your own graphics or if you borrowed it, then add the source link.
  • Write everything you know about that topic.
  • Always respond to the comments.

Keyword Research: You can use few of the most popular keyword research tools for your campaign. The very first is long tail pro which allows you to browser unlimited and powerful long tail key-phrases to compete. It also find the competing websites along with their rank, authority and backlinks. I usually recommend long tail pro because it is much faster than market samurai and its is real and cheap product for everyone.

Useful Links For Guest Blogging Opportunities.

  • Copyblogger, based on content marketing.
  • Problogger, site is focused to provide tips on SEO, blogging, marketing.
  • Basicblogtips helps and support the community of bloggers and small business owners.

Benefits of Guest Blogging

You can use it to build audience, traffic, for backlinks or to increase your soical & web presence. But their always a question How? In this article I will try to solve all your problems. I have divided the whole topic in sub division and each of them will be based on one benefit. I wish you will like them.

Increase Your Web Presence & Traffic

If the website on which you are going to be a guest blogger receives 1000 plus visitors everyday then you will surely see increase in your social followers and readers.If the site allows you to interlinks to your content for more than once, and it also allows you to add the social profile links, then you will be some in real profit.

If you article is really informative, then you might be able to redirect 50% visitors from your guest post to your blog. Now these visitors may become you future loyal readers, followers and subscribers. Overall you are expanding you reach to different peoples and surfers who seek for information.

Now with these readers you can make money through advertisements or by selling affiliate products, as your impressions and page views will surely improve. They will also help you to build better engaged community around your blog. And since social media is going to play an important role in SEO, so your campaign will surely help you improve your off page search engine optimization efforts. { PROVEN }

Generate Dofollow Backlinks

Almost every website which offers guest post on their site also offers dofollow backlinks to author’s site along with desired anchor text. They also have their own guest post guidelines So it means you can build links to your internal pages, homepage along with social profiles ( if it’s allowed ). But there are two important factors to be considered.

Point 1: High PR but No Quality Readers.

Building backlinks is much easier task than creating valuable readers. And so increasing PR is much easier than building an engaged community around you. You can buy backlinks from different services, but there is no one which can help you to buy legit human readers and subscribers.

The best way to find visitors to any domain is to check their compete, quantcast and Alexa rank. They all will be provided you will full detailed information. But you should consider these types of websites for guest posting only when you want to improve your PR and overall authority of your webpage.

Point 2: Maintained PR Along With Quality Readers.

This must be your choice. These types of blogs have high quality daily readers who comments leave suggestions and questions to your answers. And I think they are the most liked by every author, since they not only help to improve onpage SEO efforts, but also increase the text to code ratio.

Performing guest posts on these such sites might require high level of knowledge and content writing skills considering the quality of visitors. But once you are able to get accepted, please make sure you perform regular posts.

Overall, in both the cases you will be in the maximum profit. Although from point 1 type of blogs you might not gather much traffic, but they will help you build backlinks to your internal pages. In the second case you are getting traffic, you are improving social and web presence and at the same time you are improving your page rank and Alexa position. { PROVEN }

Building Authority In Your Topic.

This is the most important part of any internet marketing or content marketing campaign. If you are able to convince your readers, then you can turn them into your customers or subscribers. And if you prove any topic to them, you can turn them into your loyal readers.

Building authorship and authority in your topic is really important point to consider for 2013. In this year, search engine giant is most likely to include author rank in their ranking signals, which is used to position any domain on SERPs.

After that, social signals, comment rates per post, user engagement and Google plus profile will get maximum weightage to rank any webpage on search engine result pages. This will most likely going to stop all those spam methods used to build backlinks. Hence this is one another step by Google to stop web spam.

Basic Of Google Author Rank.

  • Make sure you have verified you Google plus authorship. This will not only help Google to recognize real author but will also increase your pageviews by upto 300%.
  • Creating informative articles which bind your readers.
  • Asking your visitors to leave comments or suggestions.
  • Giving options to let other Plus users to add you to their profile.

Google is most likely to also consider the quality of community you are creating on Google plus. So below are few of the points to take care of.

  • Share each and every post on your plus profile.
  • Create your brand page and promote it to grab the +1′s.
  • Share images, videos, arts or infographics which can grab user attentions, +1 and comments.
  • Also take care of other social websites like, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and others.

If you perform outstanding task of content posting, then more people who are interested in your topic will add you in their circle. Now once you share your articles it will be visible to all the members in this network {You, the new person who added you in his Google plus circle and all other members within this connection}. So most probably you are going to see more people adding you in their circle every day, if you keep adding quality and funny contents. This whole process is time-consuming, but once done it will give life time benefits. Hence { PROVEN } once again that you can surely use guest blogging for SEO.

Matt Cutts Views On Article Spinning & Guest Posting

According to Matt Cutts, you article marketing strategy is completely wrong if you are spinning the same article to generate 100′s of similar one with no readability. In this video he also gives guest blogging tips and the important point to consider.

Sorry I am unable to embed the video here on this post. But here I am providing you with the links. Guest Blogging Strategies That Works.

As I already said, user interaction is very important, and they will respond only when they understand what you have written. So it’s very clear that, you won’t get any benefits by submitting articles to trash like directories, until and unless they are human moderated. The best methods to build backlinks are to perform article submission on web 2.0 sites.

Please share your thoughts and suggestion on this marketing strategy. Do you think you are going to use it for your future campaigns?

To Learn more about Guest Blogging and its positive effects on SEO join digital marketing course in delhi