November 22, 2023

Ethical Hacking Importance and Why You Should Choose To Be an Ethical Hacker

By Ovais Mirza

The world we live in today seems to be very dynamic and it has been continuously bombarded with a bunch of technologies every day of the year. It is never happened in the entire human history where the world has witnessed such rapid changes and such an instant evolution. All of a sudden, the world around us has started turning digital and it started to be considered as the age of digitalization and information. Nothing on this planet left untouched from the epidemic of digitalization and on the course it has changed everything about the things we do in our daily life. It has changed the perception and our outlook towards the things of our daily life, including a few as banking, shopping, travel and leisure etc. But as it has been said by great thinkers in the past “bigger opportunities will always bear the bigger price” and thus such advancements has come on a very hefty price where it has left a room for high vulnerabilities which has ultimately spared a huge room for dark willed hackers to target and take a wrong advantage of it.

But to counter such events, it takes a very unique breed of hackers who are highly skilled and trained and posses some good values unlike the dark willed hackers. In our world, they are called as “ethical hackers” and they guarantee the safety of our very important information which can be available through many sources in digital form. Now, the term “ethical” means “morality” and thus these ethical hackers are employed by various organisations to undertake all the necessary measures for information security.

The importance of ethical hacking can be realized by the sense of urgency where so much of important information lies on the Internet web and this channelled information accounts for the most important form of data which includes from the banking to personal information of the millions of people. Besides, there are number of Government agencies that manage and keep a record of various data from end number of groups and individuals of the country. In short, any unauthorised access to such data can create a situation of catastrophe and panic. To ensure this information security, it gets highly important for any organisation to be proactive and facilitate the advance securities.

It is hard to say if any system or organisation across the world is hundred percent secure and can’t be breached. As with thousands of updates are introduced in software, everyday, it actually needs a very dynamic approach to ensure this security. Here the importance of the ethical hackers comes in prominence and their role can be highly important.

Ethical hacking is actually a means used by various organisations around the world to explore different kind of vulnerabilities and other discrepancies in the information network security. This can be conducted by a very skilled and experienced pair of hands who sometimes refer as an ethical hacker. But let’s try to understand the role and importance of ethical hacking in today’s world and why some should choose the ethical hacking as a mainstream career option. Below are few points which can cover the role and importance of ethical hacking and it needs your proper attention to understand it because if you have not come across any situation as such till now, you might come across tomorrow:

Vulnerabilities and Security Risks: the process of ethical hacking comprises of various emerging tools, which can continuously put a test and checks on the information systems. It helps in reducing the various kind of security risks associated with the flow of information around the web. These days where everyone carries all the important day to day stuff online which can vary from managing various bank accounts, other financial transactions, shopping etc. All of these activities are carried by your important details and passwords. Just one single discrepancy could lead someone into a very serious trouble. These ethical hacking tools helps the banks and other server centres to keep a tight check on the security and it also makes sure to implement and execute the various strategies to avoid any other further security risks which can arise in typical situations.

Tools Identity: The process of ethical hacking also ensures an organisation to identify the various tools required in order to progress the process. Every system is different and each level of security can be managed by different channels. Now, in case of security breach, an organisation should be equipped enough to prevent any such event and without such tools it can be difficult to avoid it. The process can also suggest various updates required in the existing tools of ethical hacking.

Improvements: With the help of ethical hacking, it can describe the need of the new and fresh development of the existing programs, codes and software and by doing so; it can help to make them better and more efficient.

Public Security: Ethical hacking can be highly important to Government bodies, where the threat of various kinds of international security attacks exists at all times. Many illegal organisations exist around the world which gives some serious hindrance in government functioning and their sole purpose is to create an environment of chaos and panic. These organisations pose very serious threat to the various government bodies. Ethical hacking has been proved as benchmark in avoiding such nuisance and maintaining a healthy and proper functioning of the government departments. These days government has started recruiting a large number of ethical hackers who provide their assistance in various roles departments such as Police, Army, PSU banks and financial institutions etc.

Now, as you have come to realize about the importance of ethical hacking and its vivid implications, would you consider picking ethical hacking as your mainstream career option? If yes, then it is very important for you to understand the various prospects attached with it. Like every field, the career in ethical hacking also provides the platform for various prospects, where your proficiency can land you in a suitable government job or you may choose to join private companies. Besides, the day is not far when the need for ethical hacking assistance will be required more than ever due to the rapid growth of digitalization. Here are few points below about the career prospects of ethical hacking which you might consider before choosing it as your future career:

Private Organisation: Ethical hackers have a very good scope in private organisations who deals Information Technology, Banking, Data Collection and Data Protection, Stock Brokers ETC. These organisations have started recruiting the ethical hackers on a very lucrative pay packages. Information security has become one of the most major issues of twenty first century and this has led the industry to boost a very high career prospects and you should, certainly, try your luck in it.

Government Assistance: Government consists of a very large number of bodies which embodies and execute the various functions of the state. With so much of data and information exists in the hands of government, It is a matter of very high responsibility. Government ensures the Information and Data security by taking an external assistance from ethical hacking agencies and simultaneously by recruiting their own ethical hackers to prevent and avoid any issues of information theft or manipulation. You may apply for the various jobs in government departments who conclude the various Information Technology functions of the government. Here you can find very good career option with a good payday and perks.

Ethical hacking Agency: Everyday, you must have come across various people who are dressed up with common uniforms and you must have seen them performing their duties at the building you might be living in or in the malls where you go for shopping. These people are generally the building security and they have been deployed by some agencies. Likewise, you may choose to start up your own ethical hacking agency where you may provide your assistance to various companies at a time and can charge a very hefty fee for that.

Freelancer: By any chance, if you are not hired by any private or public organisation or if you are left behind to grab any government opportunities then this is still not the end of the road for you. You may choose to work as a Freelancer where you may still earn a very good living by simply providing your assistance to many companies or agencies on hourly basis or other temporary contracts. Being a freelancer you may put your own terms and conditions and can decide your preferred working hours where you can still manage to earn the fat paycheques.

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