November 22, 2023

How to Book a Domain Name and How to add it to Hosting?

By Ovais Mirza

A domain name is a web address that a consumer can use to find you on the internet. You should be very careful when choosing a domain name for your company since it will have a positive or negative impact on a customer’s thinking. It has now become an essential component of your online presence, and without it, no one would be able to recognise your professional website.

Booking a domain name is a must for everyone who wants to work online. You will need a domain if you are going to start a personal blog. If you want to promote your company online, you will need a domain name for your website. There are a number of causes why you should have a domain name. This post is for anyone who is unsure how to get a domain name.

Also Read: How to Choose a Domain Name and Top 3 Free WordPress Hosting Providers

A Domain Name’s Importance

  • If you ever wished to move your website’s web hosting to another web hosting service provider, you may do so effortlessly. You do not need to Book a new domain in this case. You will keep the same domain. That is a domain’s major strength.
  • Having a domain name for your business gives you more credibility. Customers begin to trust you as a result of this, and they begin to work with you.
  • You can get sponsorship for your website with the help of a domain name.
  • Your domain name is also important for your website’s search engine optimization. A decent domain name helps traffic generated from search engine results.
  • The name helps in the generating of traffic from search results.

This article is about domain name registration and will clarify all of your questions about “How to Book a domain name.”

Also Read: How Your Web Hosting Affect Your SEO and How to Choose the Best Web Hosting for Your Website

Important things to consider before Booking a domain name

  • The domain name should be consistent with your brand name. It will be hard for search engines to understand what product or services you are dealing with if it is unrelated to your brand name.
  • Your domain name must not conflict with any copyright laws.
  • Your domain name should be one-of-a-kind. It should be easy to remember and catchy.
  • It should include the keyword you are looking for.

If the name you want to Book is also accessible on social media platforms, it will improve your search results.

How to Book a domain name?

Let’s take a quick look at how to get a domain name.

You can get a quick summary of the registration process by going to the top-rated registrar’s website, which is easily found using search engines. You can check the availability of the selected domain name. If the domain name you choose is available, you may register it for a fee and own it. When you Book anything for a longer length of time, you get a discount.

These high-quality registrars also offer web hosting. You may even purchase web hosting from them if you wish. Some registrars require you to pay for web hosting in exchange for a free domain name. (According to research, the domain name is included in the web hosting services price at a discounted rate.)

If you want to use a different service provider for web hosting, you can do so through other firms. Nobody will compel you to purchase their web hosting. The domain can be purchased using a credit card or a debit card. When the domain expires, you must renew it simultaneously. Otherwise, it will be registered under someone else’s name.

Also Read: Different Types of Web Hosting Services and Choosing Between Fresh or Old Domains

Booking a Domain Name: A Step-by-Step Process

  • Look for the domain you are looking for.
  • Consider the several choices accessible.
  • Choose a domain name.
  • Choose the duration you want to register and the amount you want to pay
  • Log in to your account and complete the transaction.

There are a lot of domain name registrars here on the market. These registrars can help you find and register domains. The following are a few of them.


Godaddy has a reputation for being one of the best domain registrars in the world. They have almost 16 million domains registered. Their post-sale service is very well-known.


Bigrock is a prominent domain name registrar and hosting service provider. They have over 6 million domains registered and have been in the industry for ten years.

There are many more registrars that can help you register a domain name. You learned how to register a domain name in this post.

How can you expand your hosting plan to include domains?

  1. Go to your hosting cPanel and login.
  2.  Go to the Domains section and select Addon Domains.
  3. In the New Domain Name area, type the domain name. After you have input the domain, click The Subdomain box, and the Document Root (typically public html/ will populate automatically.
  4. If you want an FTP account connected with this Addon Domain, check “Create an FTP account associated with this Addon Domain.” The FTP account would only be able to access that Addon domain.
  5. Select Add Domain from the drop-down menu.