benefits of guest blogging
November 22, 2023

Benefits of Guest Blogging or Guest Posting

By Ovais Mirza

Guest blogging is one of the best ways today to bring traffic, conversions and ranking in Google. There are lots of benefits of guest blogging for seo and these benefits can give great results in order to boost up your business. Guest blogging if done appropriately can bring desired results in search engines also. One of the best advantages of guest blogging is that it can provide you backlinks from other authoritative blogs and thus can improve your search engine rankings. In guest blogging, you need to write an article and send it to different bloggers to publish your article on their blogs with a backlink to your business website. The blog owner if it approves your article will publish it on their blog. The article needs to be unique and worthy for the readers then they will definitely approved by the blog owners. By simply applying the guest posting best practices, we can bring the desired results for our business website. You can also find the list of guest posting websites to do the best link building practices. By following the good guest posting strategies, we can boost up our rankings in search engines. 

Guest Blogging has been in the news for a long time even today in this blogosphere that means it is really has some kind of relevance for every blogger and this means you really must know the different benefits of guest blogging. Right?

Let’s dive in.

Top 6 benefits of Guest Posting

#1. Back Links

What oxygen is to your body is what back links to your blog. Got it?

Well, I don’t think I need to tell you the importance of back links anymore. Do I?

But keep this in mind that while guest posting you must

  • Not Over Stuff your Author Box with back links instead add an anchor text to one of your post to make the post rank better.
  • Reply to every comment to get even more back links and to attract commenters to come to your blog. Two birds, one stone. huh?

Ya, getting back links is the best thing from this benefits of guest blogging list but keep this in mind that the purpose of guest posting should be providing value to the blog rather than just focusing on getting back link.

#2. Targeted Traffic

Search Engines are famous for giving highly targeted traffic in a really big number. Right?

But with guest blogging you will get even more targeted traffic, the user would more tend to listen to you, to click on your ads, to buy the products you may recommend.

For e.g.

If a search engine user would spend 2 minute on your blog than an visitor from your guest post would spend at least 4 minute on it. #Researchonmyblog

#3. New Subscribers

If you would have highly targeted traffic than you will surely have a huge increase in your subscription rate.

And the best thing would be that these subscribers would be loyal which is very hard to find today.

#4. More Google Trust

Google trust is what every blogger wants to increase. Right?

But most of the people think that guest posting doesn’t help in this.

That thinking is completely wrong, I must say that with guest posting I was able to rank better in the highly competitive keyword search.

Google today keeps those sites in first five positions whom it trust and if you could make it to trust your blog than no one in this blogosphere would be able to throw you to the next page.

It doesn’t matter how competitive the keyword is, you would be on the first page and the time of staying there depends on the trust factor of your blog and of others too with whom you are competing.

#5. Makes your blog More Popular

The more you guest post on other big blogs, the more your blog becomes popular.

This is a fact, I have heard of a blogger who has got thousands of visitors just by Guest Posting and is popular then most of the big bloggers (Sorry, I can’t remember the name) and is earning a lot of money every month.

#6. Improves your Writing Skills Even More!

You must be thinking that how guest posting would help you in improving your writing skills. Right?

It is because of the rejection you may face in the starting.

Rejection? Am I kidding You?


Rejection gives you a burning desire to improve yourself, your post, your mind, your writing skills, everything related.

In a nutshell, guest posting is really important for everyone. With seeing the benefits of guest blogging it is clear that if you are not doing guest posting you are not going to grow faster.

#7. Expanding Your Reach and Building Your Online Presence

One of the most significant benefits of guest blogging or guest posting is the opportunity to expand your reach and build your online presence. By contributing to other blogs or websites, you can reach a new audience that may not have been aware of your brand or services. This new audience can then follow your brand or visit your website, leading to increased traffic and brand exposure.

#8. Building Authority and Credibility in Your Industry

Guest blogging or guest posting can also help you establish yourself as an authority and thought leader in your industry. By writing high-quality and informative content that resonates with your audience, you can demonstrate your expertise and knowledge on a particular subject. This can lead to increased credibility and trust in your brand or services.

#9. Building Relationships and Networking Opportunities

Guest blogging or guest posting can also help you build relationships and networking opportunities with other industry experts and bloggers. By contributing to their blogs or allowing them to contribute to yours, you can establish a mutually beneficial relationship that can lead to future collaborations, backlinks, and shared audiences.

#10. Generating High-Quality Traffic and Leads

Guest blogging or guest posting can also generate high-quality traffic and leads for your website. By contributing to blogs or websites that have a similar target audience, you can attract potential customers or clients that are interested in your products or services. This can lead to increased sales and revenue for your business.

#11. Improving Your SEO and Domain Authority

Guest blogging or guest posting can also improve your SEO and domain authority. By contributing to blogs or websites that have a high domain authority, you can gain valuable backlinks to your website that can improve your search engine rankings. This can lead to increased visibility and traffic for your website.

#12. Creating Shareable and Valuable Content

Guest blogging or guest posting can also help you create shareable and valuable content. By writing high-quality and informative content, you can provide value to your audience and encourage them to share your content with their network. This can lead to increased brand exposure and social media engagement.

#13. Reaching a New and Relevant Audience

Guest blogging or guest posting can also help you reach a new and relevant audience that may not have been aware of your brand or services. By contributing to blogs or websites that have a similar target audience, you can attract potential customers or clients that are interested in your products or services.

#14. Cost-Effective Marketing Strategy

Guest blogging or guest posting can also be a cost-effective marketing strategy. It doesn’t require a significant investment of time or money and can provide significant benefits to your brand or services.

#15. Increasing Social Media Exposure and Engagement

Guest blogging or guest posting can also increase your social media exposure and engagement. By sharing your guest post or article on your social media channels, you can encourage your followers to engage with your content and share it with their network. This can lead to increased social media engagement and brand exposure.

#16. Learning from Other Industry Experts

Finally, guest blogging or guest posting can also provide an opportunity for you to learn from other industry experts. By reading and contributing to other blogs or websites, you can gain valuable insights and knowledge about your industry that can help you improve your own business or services.

How to Get Started with Guest Blogging or Guest Posting

Now that you understand the benefits of guest blogging or guest posting, how do you get started? Here are some steps to help you get started:

  1. Identify blogs or websites that are relevant to your industry and have a similar target audience.
  2. Reach out to the blog owner or editor and pitch your idea for a guest post or article.
  3. Research and write a high-quality and informative article that resonates with the blog’s audience.
  4. Include a bio or author box that includes a link back to your website or social media channels.
  5. Share your guest post or article on your social media channels and encourage your followers to engage with it.

Hey, hey, hey, Now, it’s your turn to share some more benefits of guest blogging, I have not covered everything in this post. Let my readers do something. Right?

Then go ahead and give me your thoughts through the comment section below.

Wants to know how to do Guest Posting properly than you can join complete Digital Marketing Course in Delhi by DICC.

FAQ’S Related to Benefits of Guest Blogging

What is guest blogging?

Guest blogging is a digital marketing strategy where you contribute content, usually in the form of an article, to another blog or website. In exchange, you can usually include a link back to your own website or social media channels.

How can guest blogging help my business or personal brand?

Guest blogging can help your business or personal brand in several ways, including expanding your reach, building authority and credibility, generating high-quality traffic and leads, improving your SEO and domain authority, creating shareable and valuable content, reaching a new and relevant audience, and increasing social media exposure and engagement.

What should I include in my guest post or article?

Your guest post or article should be high-quality, informative, and relevant to the blog or website’s audience. It should also include a clear and compelling call-to-action, such as a link back to your website or social media channels.

How do I find blogs or websites to contribute to?

You can find blogs or websites to contribute to by conducting research on your industry and target audience, using tools such as Google search and social media, and reaching out to blog owners or editors directly.

Is guest blogging a good long-term strategy for my digital marketing efforts?

Yes, guest blogging can be a good long-term strategy for your digital marketing efforts. By consistently contributing high-quality content to relevant blogs or websites, you can establish yourself as an authority in your industry and build relationships with other bloggers and influencers. This can lead to ongoing opportunities for collaboration and exposure, as well as improved SEO and domain authority over time.


In conclusion, guest blogging or guest posting can provide significant benefits to your business or personal brand. It can help you expand your reach, build authority and credibility, generate high-quality traffic and leads, improve your SEO and domain authority, create shareable and valuable content, reach a new and relevant audience, and increase social media exposure and engagement. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can get started with guest blogging or guest posting and take your digital marketing strategy to the next level.