November 22, 2023

Web Browser Attacks and How to Avoid Them

By Ovais Mirza

In 2021, online threats are a serious problem we all need to be concerned with. As we live in the digital world, we’re susceptible to all kinds of gateways that hackers use to steal our identities, finances, and computers. It’s important to know the most common and dangerous web attacks and how you can protect yourself against them to safeguard your personal information and computer. As we use our web browsers more and more, we do more and more things online.  We use our browsers to perform daily work tasks like sending and receiving emails, researching news in our field of expertise, working in web-based operational systems, and to socialize outside of the workplace. We can check our bank account balances, purchase goods and services online, and even meet new people online.  By taking advantage of the web browser, malicious actors can cast an extremely wide net for potential victims.  In this article, we will examine a couple of possible attacks in addition to ways to mitigate or avoid them entirely.

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Stay up-to-date with your browser:

Maintain automatic updates on your web browser and use a current one. Please refrain from using an outdated web browser such as Apple’s Safari for Windows or old versions of Microsoft’s Internet Explorer. Leave automatic updates enabled in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, install Windows updates when using Internet Explorer on a modern version of Windows, or use Microsoft Edge on Windows 10.

Install plug-ins that work with click-to-play:

You will save CPU cycles and battery power by making web pages load faster. There are also significant security benefits. In the background, attackers won’t be able to exploit vulnerabilities in your browser plug-ins, since you will only allow the plug-in to load when it is needed.

Get rid of unnecessary plug-ins:

Secure your web browser by uninstalling any plug-ins you don’t need. You can uninstall no longer needed plug-ins by looking at the list of installed plug-ins in your browser. Uninstall Java unless you really need it – it’s particularly dangerous and is used by very few websites. Netflix is no longer dependent on Silverlight due to its decreasing necessity. Flash is the plugin most likely to be needed, and even it is becoming less and less important. If you are unsure whether a plug-in is necessary, uninstall it. It’s possible you may never come across a website that needs it, so it’s the worst case scenario you will have to reinstall it.

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Make sure plug-ins are updated, too:

Plugins should update themselves if you need them. Make sure Adobe Flash automatically updates. The Google Chrome browser updates its version of Flash automatically, and Windows 10 updates the Edge version of Flash automatically. However, you need to make sure other Flash versions are updated. Maintain regular and automatic updates for your plug-ins.

Browsers that support 64-bit are recommended:

A 64-bit program is more secure from attacks. Assuming you’re using a 64-bit version of Windows, you should use a 64-bit browser. With 64-bit programs, address space layout randomization, or ASLR, is more effective. It’s possible you still have the 32-bit version of Google Chrome installed, even though it’s available in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions. You should check whether you’re using the 32-bit or 64-bit version of Chrome. You should download the 64-bit version if you’re using the 32-bit version.

Firefox is not yet available in stable 64-bit versions, though developer builds are available. Mozilla plans to make 64-bit works of Firefox accessible by means of the steady divert in Firefox 41. Microsoft Edge is 64-digit on 64-cycle working frameworks, while even 64-bit renditions of Internet Explorer are accessible on current adaptations of Windows. On 64-bit variants of Mac and Linux, all internet browsers ought to simply be 64-digit.

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Run an Anti-Exploit Program:

Hostiles to take advantage of projects solidify your internet browser against probably the most well-known kinds of assaults. As opposed to depending on antivirus-style boycotts of explicit programming and conduct, these projects simply keep specific kinds of strange way of behaving from happening. Your two major choices here are Microsoft’s EMET and Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit. Both are free for program assurance, yet Anti-Exploit is simpler to set up and is all the more a buyer item — we suggest that one. It’s as yet really smart to utilize antivirus programming, however you can’t completely depend on antivirus.

Use Caution When Using Browser Extensions:

Program augmentations are magnificent, useful assets for altering the web and your program. Simultaneously, they’re possibly hazardous. Rebel augmentations could embed commercials into pages you use, catch keystrokes, track your perusing movement, and do other terrible things. Attempt to use as not many program augmentations as could be expected — that will assist with causing your program to perform better, as well.

Assess program augmentations like you would programming you introduce on your PC. Getting your program’s product is only one piece of it. It’s likewise critical to keep away from phishing locales and frightful programming. Numerous sites attempt to fool you into downloading junkware rather than the product you’re searching for, and, surprisingly, genuine programming is frequently packaged with possibly perilous garbage.