4 Ways To Hack Facebook Account & How To Protect Yourself From Them
Social media is all over us today and Facebook is one of them. When Facebook launched on February 4, 2004, there wasn’t much features to it. But now it is an overwhelming sea of information, pictures, posts, location updates, friends, groups and messages. We share our locations, Weekend Plans, Birthdays, anniversaries and every aspect of our lives and not even think someone can hack your facebook account.
But we don’t know who is watching. We use Facebook to interact with others but there are other people who use this tool for malicious purposes. They hack Facebook account to get our information, to get our real time location, to see our exchanged messages.
You might be thinking that it is illegal and wrong to hack someone’s Facebook account without his or her approval. However, sometimes it becomes a boon of technology when parents wish to keep an eye on their kids and peep into their Facebook account activities through fair installation of moral sentiments. You might want to know what is happening over your cheating partner’s account. Then you can learn to hack Facebook password free and monitor the social media interactions without their knowledge.
Let us look at 4 such simple methods , which are used by attackers to hack Facebook account , Also I’ll show you How you can protect your Facebook account from these hacks.

Using AKeylogger
Software Keylogger
A Software Keylogger’s powerful algorithm can record everything that is typed on the keyboard, including passwords, regardless of the application used (Skype, Facebook, MSN, AOL, ICQ, AIM, GTalk, etc.).
The keylogger has to be downloaded manually on the victim’s computer. Also Keylogger can take a screenshot of the desktop or the active application when the user types some text or uses the mouse. The keylogger remains undetected and hidden in task manager. It works automatically in Background.
You can see the recorded text from another computer, a tablet or a smartphone with delivery via email, Dropbox, FTP or LAN. You can also adjust the delivery frequency of the recorded texts to once or several times per day.
Hardware Keylogger
On the other hand there is a Hardware Keylogger which also have same features. The only difference is , It will connect to the victim’s computer using USB drive with the software.
It will automatically start capturing keystrokes as soon as the computer is turned on. This record might contain your banking logins, credit and debit card details, social media passwords, and everything else in-between. This all record will be saved in USB Drive.
Later you can connect this USB to your computer to access the saved keystrokes. You can buy this Wi-Fi enabled keylogger from Amazon.
How to Protect Yourself
- Using a Firewall. In most instances, the keylogger has to transmit its information back to the attacker from your computer via the internet. As your internet passes through a firewall (for instance, Windows Firewall is a default security setting for Windows 10 systems), there’s a chance it will realize something isn’t quite right.
- Keep your system Up to date. Key-loggers and other malware look for exploits in outdated software and can take advantage of them, sometimes without you knowing anything is wrong.
- Install a Password Manager. Key-loggers are effective in their simplicity; it copies the keystrokes and logs the information. But what if you never actually typed a password? Most password managers use auto-fill functionality to provide a master password that unlocks a specific account.

Hack Facebook Account Using Phishing
If you’re a regular visitor then you must know that I’ve posted various articles on Phishing. This is the most common method used to hack into someone’s Facebook account.
Basically a clone of Facebook is created and it is shared to the victim via email or message. This fake login page exactly looks like the original Facebook login page. When victim login into your clone website all user credential are saved. You can easily see that by logging into web hosting account.
How to Protect Yourself
- Use updated computer security tools, such as anti-virus software, spyware and firewall.
Man In The Middle Attack (MiTM)
Man-in-the-middle (MiTM) attacks are a common type of cybersecurity attack that allows to intercept the communication between two systems by an outside attacker.This can happen in any form of online communication, such as email, social media, web surfing, etc.
These attacks take place when two systems are exchanging data virtually or during device-server communication. Once your target is connected to your fake Wi-Fi network you can easily get their login credentials via Man in The Middle attack.
The attacker can stop the users from sending and receiving data, or might even divert and redirect the messages to another user. They can also target all the information inside your devices.
Hackers use four type of MiTM attacks, these are Sniffing, Packet Injection, Session Hijacking, and SSL Stripping.
How to Protect Yourself
- Don’t connect to any open (unencrypted) Wi-Fi Networks.
- Make sure that the websites you visit have HTTPS in front of the URL

Reset Password Method
One can easily get into someone’s facebook account through resetting the password. You just need choose 3 friends to send a code to. You type in three codes and you’re into the account.
- You need to get your victim’s Facebook Email login by looking in Contact Info Section on their Facebook page. If this doesn’t work you may use scraping tools like scrapper to check for email addresses.
- Click on Forgotten your Password ?and type in victim’s email. It will load their account, press on This is my account.Next it will ask ” if you would like to reset the password via the victim’s emails.” This doesn’t help, click No longer have access to these?
- Now the window will ask How can we reach you? Type in your Email address , Also it should not linked to any other facebook account.
- It will now ask a question, Click on Recover your account with help from friends. This will ask you to choose between three and five friends.
- Now it will send them some codes, Which you may ask them for , Type into the next page and you’re into the Facebook account. Also you can create some fake accounts on Facebook and add your victim to all those account
How to Protect Yourself
- Never put your email address on Facebook profile and try to use a separate Email address for Facebook.
- Don’t accept Friend requests from unknown persons. It may be a fake account.
- You can choose your three close friends where you want the password sent to.