ideal post length 2019
November 22, 2023

What’s The Ideal Post Length For Your Blog – Long Posts Or Short Posts

By Ovais Mirza

What’s the ideal post length according to you? How long is a long post and how short is a short post or how long should a blog post be for seo or you might also look for how long should my first blog post be? The length of your post depends on how much you want to convey and how much real estate that’s going to take up. Some concepts can be described in short paragraphs while some need more effort and length. So, what’s The ideal Post Length For Your Blog?

Here’s how you can determine the ideal blog post length 2019.

In 2019, most of the webmasters and blog authors suggest that the ideal blog post length 2019 should be around at least 1000 words or more and also the content should be engaging enough that the visitors don’t leave your website so early.  You should explain the things elaborately and in step-by-step manner. You blog posts should include images and videos so that the visitors would engage more and more with your blog posts.  You should also remember to use the potential and targeted keywords within your posts and keyword density should not be more than 2% .  You should also consider about keyword proximity and keyword placements within your content.  Use Latent semantic indexing (LSI) technique while writing the blog posts. 

Blog post length best practices 2019

These tips and tricks are considered to be best for blog posts in 2019 which you should consider while creating a blog post.  Contents more than 1000 words and some of the renowned blog authors also suggest that ideal article length for blog posts should be more than 2000 words also as most of the results that we see on the first page of Google are really content-enriched pages, so one has to focus really on content length as well as maintain the quality of the content so that visitors would stay on the page.

When to Write Long Posts?

If Your Niche Works Better With Long Posts:

There are niches that work fine with long posts and there are those whose audiences don’t have time for long posts. What sort of niche are you in? For example, if you’re in the travel niche, you may want to write long posts on different destinations. You’ll use short posts only for brief updates on how to get travel bargains.

When You Want To Tell A Story In Detail: 

You cannot convey all your thoughts within 800 words when the topic is rich. In such cases, choose the long post style, using at least 1200 words. When the topic is right, people love to read more, bookmark the post and read it again later as well.

When You Want To Challenge The Way People Think:

Use long posts to provoke, motivate and thrill people. The long post length works best for motivational topics. You can make a real difference to people’s lives by digging deep into issues. Be sure to provide solutions at the end of your post as well.

When You Want To Develop Deep Relationships With Your Readers:

As a blogger, you want to relate to people, connect with them and form meaningful relationships. Use the long post style to convey more of your thought process, more of your personality. This gives your readers a chance to get to know you better, evaluate your opinions and helps both of you grow together.

When You Want Tons Of Comments:

It’s not that short posts don’t earn comments, but long posts are best suited to spark conversations among readers. There’s more material to argue over, so long posts earn more comments. Long posts have been known to earn a more loyal readership than short posts.

When You Have A Relaxed Posting Schedule:

If you’re happy with your traffic statistics and can ease up on content posting for a while, focus on a long post to get more readers flocking around you. Long posts work best for this purpose, as they can keep the fires going for several days.

When to Write Short Posts?

When You Have A Tight Posting Schedule:

When you need to upload 3 to 5 posts a day, you cannot take the time to write a long, detailed post. Your aim is to push out content quickly to keep your traffic volumes high. This may be the case during a product promotion.

When You Have A Quick Update To Provide:

A quick, short post with crisp sentences will grab your reader’s attention and deliver what needs to be delivered. Use the short post length when you have to provide a quick update.

If Your Audience Is On The Move:

Who’s your target audience and how much time does the average reader spare for your blog? If you’re targeting the busy IT sector with a tech topic, it’s very likely they don’t have time for long posts. Keep the posts small, and break up heavy topics into a series of small posts rather than boring your audience with one long, long post.

When You Don’t Have Time or Suffer Writer’s Block:

Short posts take much less time to write, and are the ideal solution to your posting needs when you don’t have time. Also, if you tend to suffer writer’s block, you may want to explore the short post series option and break up heavy topics.