November 22, 2023

What is Google Search Console and How to use it?

By Ovais Mirza

If I ask you people that which is the most important SEO tool then what will be your answer well according to the data its none other than Google search console. Thus, you can easily use the Google search console tools and then report to improve the overall performance of your very website using the Google search. In this article, we are going to discuss all the important things about the Google search console. So, if you someone interested in knowing some pretty amazing as well informatic stuff then kindly keeps reading the article further. Let’s start with some important question about the Google search console.

What is Google Search Console?

Google search console can be defined as a free service provided by Google company which gives the user webmaster access to a large number of tools and then reports for optimizing their very websites on Google search. Well, this is sure an updated version of the previous this been used mostly known as the Google webmaster tool. Google search console mainly tells you almost everything that the Google crawler knows about the website. This is simple words provides some insights into the concept of how well a site is been tailored for the crawler to pick up all the important information and after all that list your website high in the searches been made. The information has been captured clear the doubts written below:

  1. How often have people seen your pages in the search results
  2. How often has been opened your page
  3. Any crawler error that is been recently encountered
  4. The health of your robot.txt or sitemap.xml files
  5. Then at last the overall performance of your site page

This platform was earlier offered by Google and was named Google Developer Tools but has recently revamped the very tools and named it the Google search console. Now the other important question about the Google search console is how can it be utilized.

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What can you do with Google Search Console?

There are several things that the user can do by using the Google search console such as optimizing your website for technical search engine optimization, then understanding what the Google platforms know about your website and then there is viewing the historical data about your website’s performance on the Google platform.

Using the search analytics to optimize your content:

There are several reports available in the Google search console that can be utilized to analyze the performance of your website in the Google search. As here you can see the main keyboards that drive Google organic traffic to your particular website as well as your current ranking in the Google search. These reports have 16 months of historical data and several well-designed filters that allow the user to compare the overall performance between different periods, view data by the country name and device or even type of search results. 

Submitting your very content to Google and then troubleshoot the indexing error:

Another most widely used feature of the Google search console is none other than index coverage report. As through this very report, you can easily find as well as fix any kind of errors related to either crawling or indexing. You may be able to see that how many pages are there in the Google index and what is the reason some of the pages is been excluded. In case you encountered any error you can simply make use of the URL inspection tool to troubleshoot and with that, you may be able to encounter the actual error after this you can correct it and ask Google to validate the fix.

Get immediate notification when there is an issue with your website:

When you have successfully registered your website with Google search console then you easily get a notification for all kind of security as well as google manual penalties. As if there is an error caused by malware then you get and message with details about the problems and how can you fix it as earliest. Once you make relevant changes then you can inform Google that the corrective action is been implemented. 

Also Read: How to Optimize Google My Business 2021 and How to Improve your Google Page Speed Insights Score

Analyzing your pages using the URL Inspection Tool:

This is the most considered function of the Google search console known as the URL Inspection Tool. You can use this tool to analyze a URL and then fix any error been encountered. These tools however quite easy to use as you are just required to type the URL and then Google will let you know almost everything that they are aware of about the particular page. Also, with this function, you can monitor and improve the performance of your rich snippets. 

Analyzing your link profile:

Another important and useful feature is to link reports. As in here, you can see the list of all your links that Google is aware of. This however can be incoming links from many other websites or internal links too. You can even see all the backlinks that Google can find and list. After these try removing the backlinks as soon as possible using the disavow tool.

Join Digital Marketing Course in Delhi to know more about Google Search Console and its different features.


I hope all the information shared above can be quite useful to all my readers