November 22, 2023

Top Netflix Hacks

By Ovais Mirza

We all know how important Netflix has become in our lives over the past few years and it would not be wrong to mention that the online streaming portal is now an integral part of our day to day activities. Netflix is one of the favourites and most enjoyable pastimes around the world. As per the recent statista, this online streaming portal has over 130 million paid subscribers that in actuality covers 37 per cent of the world’s active internet users. One of its rapid and aggressive transitions from the DVD-by-mail service to go online for the streaming of movies, series etc is the main reason behind the increasing number of its active users day by day. The people who use Netflix for entertainment purposes will agree with my statement. Now one thing is clear that without Netflix it would be hard for the users to imagine their lives. Just think how it would go without watching Narcos, House of cards, orange is the new black and many other quite interesting things. Well, the list is never going to end if we try to make one. Netflix is even popular because one can carry the favourite movies and series in their pockets just by installing the Netflix app on their respective Smartphones.

Also Read: How to get Netflix Subscription For Free and How to Buy Netflix with Discount

And as I mentioned the Netflix app there are tons of features that this app offers which are amazing to explore as well as use. These features are specially enabled in the app version not accessible in the web version which makes people use the app more often. At the start of this year, Netflix launched a new feature known as “Smart Download”. Well, this very feature automatically downloads the next episode of the show you are watching on your smartphone. This is done as soon as one is connected to the Wi-fi. Apart from this, there are several useful features that the subscribers are not aware of. So let’s explore these features one by one without wasting any more time. Also kindly read the article till the very end to find the feature that you wanted to include next time you explore this amazing platform.  

Also Read: Netflix Gaming: Release Date, Supported Games and Charges and How To Watch Netflix On Nintendo Switch?

The Best Netflix Hacks to use:

#1. One can see the Rating, Snippet and Trailers:

One of the common problems that have been faced by the watchers is whether to watch a series or a movie and this is something that we are extremely confused about. Well with this feature the Netflix customers can easily review anything he or they wanted to watch. Earlier the reviews were enough but now those are not that effective to be considered. For considering the more precise method one can download the Enhancer for the Netflix browser plugin. This very plugin shows IMDB rating and the trailer for the Netflix titles. This has been unlocked for around 27000 Netflix secret categories used in enhanced browsing. One even has the option to add comments and give an appropriate rating to any series or movie being watched. You can even save your favourite secret category.

#2. Find the Movies or Series that does not exist in your Account:

Yes, something that you read in the subtitle is not wrong that one can watch something that is not available in their respective portal. We all know that Netflix is available in almost all countries and we are aware that there are so many series or movies available on Netflix that are not directly available maybe because of the location. Just imagine if you can access these hidden series or movies. Well for doing that you must get yourself access to the ExpressVPN. As with help of this one can change the location and then watch the preferred series.

#3. Let the machine tell you what to watch next:

Are you among those people who endlessly scroll through the Netflix portal to get something that is kind of watchable? Well if so then this is the feature for you. This feature is just like spinning the wheel to let you know what’s to watch. As in here, you can choose whether you want to watch a series or movie then select the genre, IMDB and the rotten tomatoes score appropriately and then you may find a list of things that suits your demand.

#4. Switching OFF the peak Hours:

As per the compare tech the Netflix active users spent around 100 million hours a day watching something on the platform. This feature mentioned above provides better quality. Naturally, sometimes you may end up facing some low-quality videos and with this, there comes frustration along with that. Now in such a situation how can you watch your favourite shows without compromising the overall quality? You can simply watch it in off-peak hours like in the early morning or late night. Watching Netflix on weekends can be frustrating as a lot of people are there at those times.     

#5. Watch Netflix with more efficiency:

There are certain shortcuts you can make use of. These shortcuts can be a lot of helpful.

  1. F: Hit F for fullscreen
  2. ESC: Get out of the full screen
  3. PgDn: Pause the video
  4. PgUp: Play the video
  5. Spacebar: Play or pause the video
  6. Shift + Right Arrow: Fast-forward
  7. Shift + Back Arrow: Rewind
  8. M: Mute

Also Read: How to Download Movies From Netflix and How to use Parental Controls on Netflix


I hope the tricks mentioned above will be helpful to all my readers present out there.