November 22, 2023

Things That I Have Done To Get My Adsense Account Aproved

By Ovais Mirza

Well despite of being the easiest and genuine method of making money via Google Adsense, it is very too hard to get an Adsense account approved. Though most of the bloggers use Google Adsense to display ads in their blogs and earn a handsome amount of money ranging from 5000 $ to 10000 $ but they only knows how they got their Adsense account approved. Think if you are in a competition in a college where all the participants are 90 % marks holder and you have to rank number one among them. So this competition is going to be tough and it’s there who will rank first. Same is in the case of Google Adsense. If you are a blogger from developing countries like India, Nepal or any other countries and applied for Google Adsense then it is very hard to get approved by Google. I don’t know why Google don’t approve most of the blogs from these countries but if you are from well-developed countries say USA, UK then you don’t need to worry whether your Adsense account will get approve or not because it nearly 100% sure that you are going to get your Adsense account approved if you apply from these countries. Possessing all the characters for a good blog is not always important to get your Adsense account approved, there are some tips which are like a mystery and if you are able to solve it then you are the winner means you will get your Adsense account approved. So don’t wait now. Let’s move ahead and read thoroughly some of the points that I have experienced while applying for Adsense account. Read these points so that you can easily apply for Google Adsense account and get it approved without any difficulties.

Logic behind Google Adsense

Before saying you how to get your approved Adsense account, read this story and draw the conclusion from it. Suppose you and your friend study in same college. You live as a paying guest while your friend lives with his family. His parents love him very much. Also your friend’s parents love you very much. So when your friend ask for anything say money for his personal work, then his parents will easily give him the money. But if you ask the same then his parents will feel little odd and it is not sure that you will get money or not.

So the conclusion from this is that if you are your parent’s own child then you get much priority than that of your friend who is not his own child but of his relatives. So I will use the same logic to apply for Google Adsense too.

Google Blogger, I think everybody knows that because the primary step for blogging is the Google Blogger platform and most of the bloggers still used it for their blogging career. I am going to use Google Blogger Platform for the same but not the ordinary way to apply for Google Adsense; I will apply in different way.

Steps that I followed to get my account approved

Step-1: First of all you should create a new Google account and then a new blog using Google Blogger platform by visiting

Step-2:  Select an appropriate blog title related to your blog niche. If possible select the same blog domain name relating to your blog niche. I recommend you don’t select tech blog niche for blogging because it is little tough to get your Adsense account approve with tech blogs. Instead use any other blog niche which is unique and different from others.

Step-3: Buy a custom domain and use it for your new blog. It means you should have domain name having extension .com, .net, .org or similar. This domain name should also be related to you blog title, and blog niche. You can easily buy it from many hosting companies or you can even buy the domain from Google itself. [If you want .com domain then contact me, I can provide it at very competitive price]

Step-4: Select the proper blog template for your blog. This should also match your blog niche and should be easily navigable. I recommend using the default blogger templates. They are good. Note: don’t use dynamic view while applying for Adsense application.

Step-5: Give a proper meta tags description for your blog . You can find this meta tags description under Settings->Search preferences. Edit it and provide short and suitable description.

Step-7: Make privacy policy page, contact page, about you page and other important pages.

Step-8: After doing all the above customizations, next big thing you need to do is write some 8-10 quality posts containing not less than 400 words. You should have suitable and unique title name for your blog post, avoid using stop words, use H1, H2, H3 tags for formatting text. Make you posts free from grammatical errors. Use synonyms to write some words in the posts instead of using common words. Use 2-3 pictures not copyrighted one but should be free from that. I recommend making the pictures little creative by yourself. Or if you use from the Google Image, make sure that it is not Copyright material. Use video in the posts if possible. These all things will double your rate of approving your Google Adsense application. And the major thing is don’t copy and paste any article from other blogs. This will not help in approving your Adsense application.

Step-9: Share your posts in social networking sites. Increase your blog traffic. Larger is the traffic of your blog, more chance is there of being approved. You can also read this post

Step-10: After doing all these above 8 steps, next you need to do is to sign-up for Google Adsense. For this visit for applying for Adsense instead apply for the application directly from the blogger dashboard. There you have to click on Signup button. Then you will find different layout for displaying ads, select the first one i.e “Display ads in my sidebar and posts”. Fill up the form and make sure that whatever details you are providing all are genuine information and not the fake one. Double check your contact details before applying for Adsense.

Step-11: Now just wait for 1-2 days until you get reply from the Google. After that you will have an approved Adsense account and you can earn money like other bloggers do.

Still not sure about how to get your Adsense account approved than Join Digital Marketing Training in Delhi by DICC.

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