November 22, 2023

How Do Theme Frameworks Optimize Your Blog.

By Rahul Garg

If you want to optimize your blog with killing a plethora of birds with one stone, the best thing to start with is a theme framework. These have been the talk of the town for a couple of years and more people are installing them in their wordpress blog. But Why? In the following post I will go into a little more detail to give you the gist of why theme frameworks are the new fad!

Blogging can be like getting yourself ready to go to a big conference to meet other successful entrepreneurs. You want to look your best to attract other professionals and future clients.

Same goes for blogging!

You want to optimize your blog with SEO to attract Search Engines as well ways to decorate your blog to attract those live visitors.

All I’m saying is that you want to “dress your blog for success.”

But it’s not limited to just dressing up.

Your blog needs to have the nutrition of maintenance it needs to help prevent it from getting the sicknesses caused by hackers as well as many other things.

Speaking of Frameworks, what exactly is a Framework anyways?

What Are Frameworks And What Makes Them Optimize Your Blog Posts

Well let’s put it in Layman’s terms?

Which would you rather have? A car of today with the engine already built in it, or a car like Fred Flintstone where you literally have to manually get it going?

I think a lot of you would pick a car of today because of the already built engine inside of it. When you think of it like this, the engine inside of car would be equivalent to a framework installed on a blog.

It already has the major important parts to it in order to get it going. If you want to make some upgrades or some minor changes, then all you have to do is add to the engine.

Now imagine if you wanted to make some changes with a Fred Flintstone car. You would probably have to change the whole frame, or build the engine to “fit” this stone age car.

Now that’s a lot work in itself. This is what standard themes are similar to. For any upgrades or add-ons, you will, a lot of times, have to jump through hoops to get it to work or just not install it period! At least from my experience with a lot of the free standard wordpress themes I had to implement a lot of work arounds.

With Frameworks installed on your wordpress blog, it is scalable enough for new upgrades and major plugins so that you don’t have to make it “work” or “fit” your blog.

Also with Frameworks search engines have an easier time of communicating and “making sense” of the data that on your blog posts to display it to your specific niche market.

What’s The “Schema” Of All Things Within Frameworks

When I think about it, I believe John Hancock was a big influence on coding webpages. He had the large signature on the United States Declaration Of Independence and this probably why they got the idea of “Markup” Language.

Let me explain….

Webpages have been designed using HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) . This is what you’re hardcore web designers would code webpages in order to tell browsers how to display the information on it.

But this first generation of code would just only tell the browser to “display” the words in your webpage or blog post without giving it a “specific meaning” for Search Engines to understand.

So for example, you have the keywords “Generating Traffic” within your blog post, this could mean just about anything to Search Engines. It could be a Traffic Jam on the Freeway or a Traffic Ticket if all it cares.

The answer to solve the problem of giving words meaning was done by This was a collaboration by Microsoft, Google, Yandex and Yahoo to make sure that webmasters and search engines were on the same page as far as the information on webpages and blogs.

So in general, they would “Markup” the information to a level that Search Engines can understand and display within the SERPs to a relevant audience.

Let’s check out some Jargon for you to be familiar with:

Schema Markup

This helps to make sense of the information and data within your blog posts and websites for Search Engines to understand and index within their databases for your relevant niche market.


This is a set of tags you would use in your website to make sense of the information for Search Engines. This is included in todays HTML5.


As mentioned before HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language and was introduced in 1990.

In 2012 HTML5 was introduced and of course the reason for it’s introduction was because of the microdata it included. Microdata is a preference of Google!


This is a small, extract and sometimes brief summary about your website or post. Whenever you do a search on Google, Yahoo, or some other search engine it displays aa brief summary of your post such as the title, URL and a brief description. Here’s a great example from a search I did on one of my previous blog posts…

Rich Snippet

This gives your snippet a more professional look within the Search Engines’ SERP. With that said, the purpose of the rich snippet is for you to get noticed more resulting in more traffic to your site.

Optimize Your Blog With The Genesis Framework

Now that we know what’s “under the hood” when it comes to Frameworks, lets go ahead and put it all together in Regards to Genesis.

In this post I talk about how Google puts all the data together and customize it in their Knowledge Graph so your target audience can find your websites and blog posts. And this is the why having the Genesis Framework which makes organizing the information on your blog posts a lot simpler for Search Engines.

So lets go over the benefits of installing the Genesis Framework on your site

1. It’s HTML5 Ready

  • Your site is scalable for future upgrades
  • Works well with different browsers
  • Most Child Themes are Mobile Ready
  • The layout and design is cleaner and more attractive
  • Video and Audio support is definitely on a higher level
  • And of course Microdata is integrated with this Markup Language

2. Tech Support

As I mentioned in my Previous Post they have customer support for any questions or problems and also they have forums as well to get answers to questions in a timely manner!

3. Don’t Have To Worry Too Much About SEO

As much as we are told that SEO is still relevant in todays time, there still a lot of us bloggers that don’t want to put in the extra effort to make sure our blog posts is SEO ready.

With the Genesis Framework you don’t have to worry about SEO as much. This framework actually takes care of most of SEO. From what I’ve seen the only thing you have to do is to make sure you put in the Title of your blog post and Meta Description which is a summary of what your post is about.

4. Everything is Unlimited

This is the best part! Let’s see what you get for the low price!

  • Unlimited Tech Support
  • Unlimited Upgrades
  • Unlimited Domains
  • One Time Low Payment

5. Very Attractive Child Themes

If you don’t want to use Genesis’ default theme you get once you install it, you have the option to install a plethora of great, attractive themes called Child Themes . You want to find one that correlates well with your niche and there’s a lot of information on which themes get the most responsive from each specific niche!

What Does All This Mean For You?

If you’re not already using a great, reliable paid theme, then installing the Genesis Framework will help to optimize your blog with very little customization on your part.

As I said in my Previous Post, the great thing about me installing the Genesis Framework is that so far I don’t have the malware problem I did before, as well as many of limitations I had as far as customization.

I gave you the basic understanding of Frameworks and how they benefit compared to the old standard themes. I highly recommend it because of all of the scalable changes and unlimited support. For more information about the Genesis Framework 

to see what it offers firsthand!

Now It’s Your Turn!

How do you feel about frameworks now? Do you see the benefits of them? Are you using the Genesis Framework now? What would be your reasoning for using frameworks? Please share your comments below and share this post with your friends. I look forward to read them!