Sponsored Post Make Money Blogging With Teliad.
When it comes to making money online, it’s always wise to diversify your efforts and not rely on one single source of income. If you’re a blogger, one way to do that is to write sponsored posts like this one I’ve done for teliad.
I recently signed up to their Link Building and Blog Marketing service and I must say, I’m very impressed with their platform and customer support. The site looks and feels professional compared to other similar services I’ve signed up to and the customer support have been very helpful and welcoming.
But what really stands out about teliad is that they offer many different ways for bloggers and other publishers to make money online.
How Can You Make Money With Teliad?
There are currently 10 different products that you can take advantage of with teliad (aff link). In each case, you submit your offer and this is manually reviewed to ensure it meets quality standards. If it
It’s completely free to sign up as a publisher and you can create as many offers as you want. You also decide on the price and you can use teliad’s handy Price Check Calculator to get an idea of how much to charge and how much you can therefore earn from your offers.
Here’s a quick overview of the products you can make money from.
Text Link & Text Link+Content

You can offer to place text links as pure HTML backlinks anywhere on your website or with anchor text.
Post Link & Post Links+Content

If your site has a news feed, you can offer post links in your existing content or an advertiser may suggest new content to contain the link.
Presell Page

You can offer to set up a sub page on your domain with content created by you based on an advertisers request. The content will contain a permanent link to the advertisers homepage as well as several links within the content as agreed with the advertiser.
Blog Post

Just like this post I’ve written, you get paid to write a unique, authentic article on behalf on an advertiser. The advertiser specifies the backlinks which must be contained in the blog post.

This is similar to the blog post offer, however the content in the blog post is provided by the advertiser in its entirety. If you offer Advertorials on your blog then an advertiser has the option to request either Advertorials or Guest Posts. With the second option, guest authors are able to link their Google+ author profile with their name in the article.
Video Marketing

You can offer to place an advertiser’s video on your blog, alongside a short commentary to summarize what the video is about.

Infographics can be a great way to attract readers. Why not earn some cash whilst adding them to your site? The teliad (aff link) platform makes this easy. The advertiser provides the infographic when taking up your offer and all you need to do is write a short introductory text about the infographic.
Press Release

You can offer to publish a Press Release on your site. The text is provided by the advertiser and contains backlinks as HTML links.
Affiliate Program

If you want to, you can also promote teliad as an affiliate and receive a commission payment when you sign up new publishers.
Need Some Help With Content? Teliad Can Do That Too

Not everyone has time to write blog posts or text for their sales pages. Sometimes other things need to take priority. Does that sound like you?
If you’re not used to writing or just don’t consider it to be one of your strengths it can take hours just to produce a small amount of text. Maybe that’s you?
Well, you’ll be pleased to hear that teliad now also delivers content and in five different languages (English, German, Spanish, French and Italian).
You can place an order from your free teliad account (aff link), specifying a category and keywords. This ensures your order only goes to relevant authors who are familiar with the subject.
Teliad also monitors the quality of the text supplied and ensures that only authors with proven high quality writing skills can take on your order.
You can select from 4 different quality levels depending on the price you wish to pay. These range from 1.6 ct per word to 6.3 ct per word for the very top-rated authors.
Why Is Teliad Right For Bloggers?

Well, one of the things that sold it for me was that you can specify in your offers whether you accept NoFollow links, DoFollow, or both. That applies to Blog Posts, Advertorials, Video Marketing, Infographics and Press Releases.
With Google being a source of traffic for bloggers, having the option to only allow NoFollow links is an important one. Google’s stance on paid links is that they must be NoFollow or it goes against their quality guidelines. So depending on your own feelings on this, you have the option to only offer NoFollow links if you want to.
Another important consideration is that any bookings which an advertiser makes are non-binding. You have the choice of whether to accept them or not and if you don’t think it’s the right fit for your site you can decline the booking at the click of a button.
Sounds good, doesn’t it? When will you start using teliad (aff link) as part of your income generation strategy for your site? Remember, you can sign up for FREE today!