November 22, 2023

Social Bookmarking For SEO

By Ovais Mirza

Social bookmarking companies charge hundreds of dollars for social bookmarking services which arguably seems like a simple do it yourself task.

If it’s a DIY project, why do you think people pay companies to do it for them? For one, most internet marketers would rather write content than do the mind numbing off-page SEO stuff – but this mind-numbing SEO stuff does help in pushing up a website on top of the search engine rankings which will benefit the website owner for years to come.

BUT, if you’re someone who’s just starting out with a blog or a niche website, you may not have the budget to have the “experts” do it for you so the simple solution is.. to do it yourself!

Most newbie online marketers and bloggers fail to implement social bookmarking as part of their SEO strategies because of the following reasons:

  • They never heard of social bookmarking.
  • They don’t know how to do it and don’t have the budget to pay someone else to do it for them.
  • They think that link building and social bookmarking is a complete waste of time.
  • They don’t think social bookmarks will benefit their blog.

So, What Is Social Bookmarking?

The idea behind social bookmarking is that it allows internet users to bookmark websites and pages of interest so that they can access it from anywhere as long as they’re connected to the internet.

Why Social Bookmarking Websites Were Created?

Years ago, the only way we can bookmark articles and websites off the internet is from within our browsers’ “Bookmarks” tab so we can have access to them without having to Google them again.

The problem with this function is that it limits us from within the boundaries of the computers where we bookmarked our stuff and if we’re using someone else’s computer, we won’t have access to the “saved” information – we have to Google that information again and sift through the haystack.

Now, with the help of these social bookmarking websites, we can bookmark anything, anywhere we want and access them from any computer in the world (internet connection required!).

Why Social Bookmarking Helps SEO?

Each bookmark to a website, a web page or a blog post is considered to be a valid blog post by the search engines and if you haven’t been living under a rock in the last 10 years, you’d know that backlinks are great for SEO.

And, just in case you’ve been living under a rock… here’s a proof that will change your mind about the power of backlinks:

Lauch Google and search for “click here”, without the quotes.

Don’t scroll down, don’t collect $200… just do the search or better yet “click here” to see the search results, promise me you’ll be back!

What’s the number 1 ranked website for the term “click here”?

Drum roll pleeeaaaase!

The number 1 ranked website for the term “click here” is the Adobe Reader download page. Mind you, not one mention of the phrase “click here” is found on the website but millions of other websites linked to this page with the keyphrase “click here”.

That’s the power backlink at work!

How To Do Social Bookmarking for SEO

There are two ways you can do social bookmarking to help boost your blog’s ranking on the internet. One is by manual submission and the other is through content aggregation. By content aggregation, I don’t refer to social bookmarking software that blasts hundreds of thousands of social bookmarks all pointing to your blog’s homepage in one run, I’ll talk about social bookmarking content aggregation in awhile but first I want to talk about the manual social bookmarking process that will help boost your website’s rankings.

The first step in doing social bookmarks for SEO is to make a list of social bookmarking websites that you’re going to be submitting your blog posts to and below is the top 10 social bookmarking websites you want your blog posts on.

Top 10 Social Bookmarking Websites

  1. Pinterest
  2. Twitter
  3. Reddit
  4. Buzzfeed
  5. StumbleUpon
  6. Digg
  7. Delicious
  8. BizSugar
  9. DZone
  10. Diigo

Submitting social bookmarks is easy. As mentioned, the first thing you’ll need is an account for every social bookmarking website you want your blog posts or pages on.

Once you have an account with each, you can either click on “submit a page”, “bookmark”, “submit bookmark”, “add news”, etc from within your control panel. Each bookmarking website differs but the idea is the same. Aside from submitting the URL you want to bookmark, most would allow you to write a blurb about what you’re bookmarking as it may be seen by others of the same interest from within the social bookmarking network.

Don’t rush when submitting bookmarks, try to fill in every field for each of these websites, the more information you share, the better chances of your bookmarks going viral which means that you don’t only get a link but exposure as well to the website’s followers which is a bonus from the link juice you’re getting.

So that’s it for manual social bookmarking, start with the 10 above but keep adding your list of quality social bookmarking websites.

Social Bookmarking Option 2

A more efficient social bookmarking option is, as mentioned above, content aggregation. For this to work, you must subscribe to an automated social bookmarking automation software like ONLYWIRE.

What OnlyWire does is aggregate your content to up to 50 social bookmarking websites every time you publish content on the web. So instead of you submitting each content to a lot of different social bookmarking websites, OnlyWire does this for you each time.

The only drawback is that you have to open up an account with each of the social bookmarking websites in the OnlyWire network. This is work, but you’ll only do this once and once you have everything setup with Only Wire – it takes care of everything for you.

What OnlyWire does is help you post and link to your content to up to 50 social bookmarking websites on the internet. It costs roughly $12 a month but it’s going to be all worth it.

Once you’ve set-up all the 50 social bookmarking websites on OnlyWire, you just keep on writing and publishing content, confident that OnlyWire is taking care of the mind numbing task of submitting you posts to different social bookmarking websites.

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