November 22, 2023

Simple Excuses If You Fail In Your Online Business

By Ovais Mirza

Although there are 90 people out of every 100 bloggers or online businessmen that fail in their dream of online empire. What they are left with some simple excuses which they often make when other talk of discuss about their failure. Today, i am going to share some simple excuses often made by the people who fail in their online business.

Simple Excuses

  1. Some people who often dream to make thousands of dollars every month don’t have any experience about what they are doing. Suppose we start any blog on any niche about which we know nothing, we choose it because its high paying. The automatically we are going to fail. This is one of the best from those simple excuses that people make. People after failing says that there blog got no traffic, or they were unable to find any monetizationmethodfor their blog or Google Adsense got disabled for their blog and so on. I always recommend to follow other bloggers like Problogger, Incomediary to make your career successful in blogging. These blogs will not only teach you about how to blog, but they will also teach you about the insight of blog, how to monetize your blog properly, how to get traffic, how to grow your email list and everything related to your blog. Before you start to earn, first you should learn. Beware of these simple excuses and try to grow your knowledge first. This is one of the simple excuses that people make.
  2.  Another simple excuses that most people make is that they were unable to find any keyword for their blog for search engine optimization. There are millions of keywords related to your niche. What people want is a keyword with no competition and lots of daily search. There is competition in every keyword that you will choose for your blog. This all depends on search engine optimization. How fairly you can optimize your blog for search engines. Don’t let this reason to be included in simple excuses. Try to choose your niche wisely. This can be other simple excuses that many people make.
  3. Another simple excuse that most people make is that they started their business or blog too late than other competitors. What these type of people lack is proper guidance and motivation. There are many bloggers who become very famous in very small time period. These simple excuses don’t let anybody see their future. If you are a better writer, you can never be late. Try to write better and optimize it properly for search engines. This is another simple excuse that most people make.
  4. Another simple excuse that people make is that in that niche they have chosen there are not many monetizations options. The simple excuses that they make are that they tried very much with various ad networks but didn’t succeed. Well the ultimate truth is that no matter how much low paying your niche is, if your blog gets enough traffic, you will surely make big bucks from your blog. This is another from simple excuses that people make.
  5. Another biggest simple excuse that 90 out of every 100 people make is that they can’t write better. Have you read my blog properly? Do you think it is called high quality content? I always try to write unique and easy to understandable content. Quality doesn’t always matter. What will do with such a content that’s marked as high quality but your visitors and readers are unable to understand. Don’t write for the search engines. Write for the people and you will ultimately get better readership. This is just another simple excuse. This type of simple excuse distract readers from their readership. This can be another simple excuse that most people make.

These are some simple excuses that most people make. If you know any other simple excuses, share with us.