November 22, 2023

What is Meesho Reselling and How does it Work?

By Ovais Mirza

In today’s article, I would be telling people about the Meesho app and how one can start reselling through this. We all have already heard about this app sometimes or other. But what exactly this app does still is not known to many people. Another major question that has been often asked is about how this app works? Well if you are someone who has been looking for the answers to the same question as in this very article all your doubts would be solved. So kindly read the whole article to solve your queries. At first What Exactly is Meesho. Well, this is nothing but an Indian born mobile or laptop portable reselling and shopping application. This app has been changing the face of online shopping all over the country. It even allows small entities and individual resellers to start up their virtual stores and through that start selling their products.

Also Read: How to Earn from Meesho App? and How to use Shopify for Dropshipping

Over here they even make use of social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and many more to post ads related to products they offer on their Messho account. People are happily using this app and buying the stuff they need at affordable prices compared to all other websites such as Amazon, Flipkart etc. now all this is started a few years back in 2015 when two of the Indian dynamic IIT Delhi Graduates Vidit Aatrey and Sanjeev Barnwal came up with this amazing idea of Fashnear. This is an application that promotes hyper-local fashion discovery and its selling. After that, they processed the idea and they came up with a more customer-oriented application known as Meesho which just means ” My Shop”. This is how this interesting application came into existence. At the start, this app only worked for enabling the physical stores to sell their goods online and all this was done through social media handles. But soon after this, the application became India’s first-ever online distribution channel for dealing with long-trail products.

The objective of the Meesho app was simple and clear. As it mainly targets at smoothing the pain points of Whatsapp Commerce world. This was done by simply shifting most of the buying experience towards the online application Meesho. The business model used here is simple to understand. Let’s have a look:

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Just like provided by Flipkart and Amazon, Meesho even provides a large variety of products to choose from. The business model is simple and is becoming a competitor in the e-commerce market. There are certain advantages provided by Messho such as delivery time, reach to sellers and buying making it the best alternative to use. There are 4 main parties involved in its mechanism:

  1. The first party is the supplier or seller
  2. The second party is the resellers which are mainly app users
  3. The third party is the Meesho Application
  4. The fourth party is the end-user who are the buyers

How does the Application work for both Sellers and Resellers?

Kindly follow the steps to be more clear with the working mechanism. The willing sellers or resellers should be following the associated steps mentioned below for smooth functioning.

  1. At first, the seller or reseller who wants to join Meesho should register their business by filling in the details in the application provided by Meesho once you open the app.
  2. After this, a virtual store is been created
  3. The next thing to be done is to list down all the products on the virtual store along with a few images. The product description is also needed in some cases. Kindly list down the selling price too.
  4. By all this, it will be easy for the customer to browse the product on the app and select accordingly.
  5. The resellers can also use social media handles to share products along with necessary details. Their network will help the product to be sold in case it is liked by anyone.
  6. If anyone is interested in buying the product then send a message on the app regarding the other details. After the order is confirmed all other steps will be taken care of through the Meesho app. 
  7. The payment should be processed and shared and after this order is confirmed and you may inform the buyer at the same time.

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Earning procedure in Meesho Application:

This procedure is carried out by Meesho. The money that is left after paying the original Quoted price and cutting out delivery charges leftover amount is transferred to the reseller’s account. The reseller is even eligible to achieve a commission on every order placed by their network. Reselling on this platform is quite similar to drop shipping or affiliate marketing. As in here, resellers achieve benefits even without owning the product that is being sold. This is nothing but a win-win situation so anybody can try it to earn some extra pocket money.


I hope the information shared is useful to all my readers out there.