November 22, 2023

How to win solo vs squad PUBG mobile

By Ovais Mirza

The game of PUBG is one of the favourite game of players around the globe. This game was introduced out of nowhere and then within no time got a high rating from many known players as well. As we already know that there are two main modes in this game one is known as solo mode and the other one is squad mode. Certain tricks are used to win this game in these two possible modes. Many players such as MortalL, Dynamo, ScoutOP and many more have already suggested certain ways through which the game can be tracked down in different modes. As it is already known fact that a game can only be won using correct tactics that to use within the correct time.

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There is a huge number of Suggestions given by a lot of people consisting of tricks, tips, luck and course tons of skills. Some of these tricks can always make you win a match or 2 but nothing in the suggestion provided can replace regular practice. In this article, we are going to discuss the topic of how one can win solo vs squad PUBG mobile in brief. So, if you are someone who is behind this very question or is simply curious then keep reading forward. But before moving to the below-mentioned point there is a small request from our side that before entering a game kindly do a warm-up for 15 mins as this will make further steps easy to take. This advice has been suggested by a lot of known players too. Kindly ensure that you add this thing to your practice. Let’s now see all the information been mentioned below.

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#1. Key strategy:

We will start our discussion with a key strategy that is quite important to follow most of the time. One thing is sure that the most essential thing that a player requires in this game PUBG is a great strategy to move and also to avoid making many possible mistakes from time to time. Don’t land on the hot drop locations and in here also try to avoid attending too much from the opposite squad if you solo in the game. Apart from this if you are the last man on your team who has survived then try to play defensively to survive for a long time. Try not to play in an aggressive nature as this can lead you to die very easily and soon.

#2. Landing:

This thing should be considered as one of the most important things to take care of at the initial point of the game. So kindly do not land on open ground. Try to land near an apartment to a building so that hiding from all other opponents would not be a great problem in the first place. One can also land near a vehicle to move quickly away from the opponents covered in all the direction. In here one mistake and you would be killed by someone. Also, try to gather items you need fast this is one advantage if you are one of the players who landed first.

#3. Scouting ability:

This is considered a great tip. Kindly ensure that you have a good graphic setting and apart from this excellent scouting ability to spot the enemies around you before you have been spotted and killed. This is one of the plus points many known players make use of. Make sure that you do not shoot unnecessary as that could attract their attention towards you which is not good in a game like PUBG as in here remain hidden is main this the player must practice. Try to determine the enemy’s location can start killing thoughts who are alone firstly. Do not get caught by them or else you will end up dying.

#4. Confusing enemies:

This step is not easy to carry out but if done properly then no one can stop you from winning. As when you knock an enemy kindly confirm if you can. In here you can make use of Molotov and also frag grenades to confirm that kill safely. Also, you can make use of smoke and stun grenades and then make the enemy blind or cover certain sides.

#5. High damage weapons:

In any game weapons play a great role without them facing the enemy is almost impossible. Making a great choice in choosing your weapons is the main thing that will decide how long you are going to service at most. There are many great weapons present in the PUBG game among which M249 is the greatest weapon for both solo as well as squad play and this is mostly due to its large ammo capacity in total. It has updo 100 bullets per meg that are more than enough to kill the whole enemy squad within minutes. But one thing that can be taken care of by the players that finding this gun is rare.  

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All the suggestion provided above will surely help you in achieving a position that a player mainly wishes for. As winning is not something impossible to achieve. I hope the information was useful.