November 22, 2023

How to use Google AMP for your Mobile Site

By Ovais Mirza

The world of the web is always on a constant run and this simply means that everything that we see on the web may change in a few second just with a minor change. Due to the evolving nature of the web, business owners need to do constant hard work to remain at the top of the list when changes by Google is implemented. Google AMP is a mobile initiative to speeds up the web from its current working speed.  This thing was introduced in the market over 2 years back. Since the introduction, there are a couple of things that underwent some minor as well as major changes. We’ll all those changes were quite important for the website world so that it can move forward. In this article, we will discuss the topic that how can someone use Google AMP for a mobile site which will cover all advantages as well disadvantages of Google AMP. So kindly do read forward. Let’s start with all the important questions.

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What is Google AMP?

Google Accelerated Mobile page project or Google AMP was originally launched in October 2015 but it was announced as an excellent accessible framework only last year. This appreciation was given to the platform based on its capability of creating fast-loading mobile web pages. This open-source initiative was supported to enable publishers to easily improve the overall speed as with this the consistency as well as user experience may also be increased for the mobile readership without making any kind of compromise in the ad revenue that these websites mainly rely upon. However, it is the possibility that experienced developers can often achieve somewhat similar results through intensive performance as well as optimization. This thing is often neglected by publishers due to resource constraints. As the AMP always these optimizations so that we can easily achieve without actually altering the very primary goal related to the mobile web experience. There are also some added benefits of futures usage of google and all other prominent web technology companies who are encouraging the use of the integrating and highly respective websites.  

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How does the AMP work?

As of now, it’s quite clear that this framework is used for creating mobile web pages. The Google AMP mainly consist of three main parts using which it implements creating things. The parts are:

  1. AMP HTML: This is a subset of HTML which has certain custom tags as well as properties. There are also several restrictions. But if you are familiar with the regular HTML then you must not face any difficulty in adapting to certain pages of the AMP HTML. However, this is quite sure that AMP HTML is different from regular HTML.
  2. AMP JS: This is nothing but a JavaScript framework that exists for mobile pages. For most of the part, it manages the resource handling and asynchronous loading. One more thing that should be noted is that third-party JavaScript is not only limited or permitted with the AMP.
  3. AMP CDN: This is nothing but an optional content delivery network that takes over on your AMP-enabled pages and then cache them. After this, it automatically makes certain changes that improve the performance overall.

Now moving forward let’s see the pros and cons of the Google AMP:

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Pros of Google AMP:

  1. The first thing is that the Google AMP is free to use
  2. AMP can surely improve the loading time of the WordPress site and speed is the main concern here.
  3. The Google AMP provides an overall result of 600% in the case of CTRs.
  4. Apart from this Google AMP forces a lot of recommended web performance practices such as the prevention of large CSS as well as JS framework.
  5. This can even impact the conversions in a positive way
  6. Over years a lot of improvement has been made over the advertisement options with which now it can readily be used in Google AMP.
  7. There is even an automatic option of image optimization possible
  8. The Google AMP lite introduces further optimization for slower network connections due to which Google has seen an over 45% reduction in bytes

Cons of Google AMP:

  1. AMP is however not the current matter of concern but there are chances that it can be in future. This can be both pros and cons
  2. AMP can be quite difficult to be implemented at first if you are not a developer however with the help of WordPress its somewhat easier
  3. The functionality of this new platform is still under dilemma as its new
  4. It can somewhat hurt or affect your conversation in a wrong way
  5. Certain reports are claiming that Google AMP mess up when starting in Google analytics
  6. There are even worse engagements as well as a high bounce rate encountered earlier
  7. With the use of this still, the third-party scripts as well as the application cannot be highly supported sometimes

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I hope the information shared above was useful to all my readers.