November 22, 2023

How To Hack A Wi-Fi Using Kali Linux with Wifiphisher

By Ovais Mirza

We all want to get our neighbor’s Wi-Fi password, but it’s not easier to crack a Wi-Fi , here is a simple way to get someone’s Wi-Fi password without cracking i. e.  Wifiphisher. Yeah a Kali Linux tool, you will need to go with.

Sometimes you may find yourself at lonely location, without having internet then this kind of hacks may help you. You just need to open your laptop and fire up Kali Linux to hack the Wi-Fi around you.

Disclaimer– This tutorial is for educational propose only. The main motive behind the post is to guide as many as people how hackers hack computers or how they can steal your information easily. We do not recommend anyone to try this process. If someone face problems after applying this ,Neither author nor Will be responsible.

Also Read: Top 10 Best Wifi Hacking Apps For Android In Hindi and Wireless wifi hacking

Now we will move on next tool i.e. Wifiphisher to hack Wi-Fi.


  • Kali Linux installed
  • two Wi-Fi adapters , and one of them must be capable of packet injection.

Now follow the steps 

1. Download Wifiphisher

You can simply Download wifiphisher from git hub, Fire up Kali and open terminal then type following command –

kali > tar -xvzf /root/wifiphisher-1.1.tar.gz 

The another way is you can clone the code from git hub by typing

kali > git clone https://github/sophron/wifiphisher  

2. Go To Directory

Well you’ve installed the tool now, to hack the Wi-Fi you need to open the directory in terminal where the tool wifiphisher is unpacked , it may be at wifiphisher-1.1.

type as- 

kali > cd wifiphisher-.1.1
now you can check the list of content in wifiphisher directory by typing
kali > ls -l

Here you will see a python script as , this is the back bone of tool, we will use this script to get the password of Wi-Fi.

Also Read: How to Hack WiFi Password and How to get free Wi-Fi

3. Execute The script

We need to run the script. you can execute the script by typing as and hit enter

kali > python

It may ask you to install “hostpad”, by saying “hostpad not found in /usr/sbin/hostpad; install now? [y/n]

Install the hostpad by typing “y”

After complete install, you need to run the script again

kali > python

 It will create two http server on port 880 and on port 443

After complete process there will be a list of all discovered available Wi-Fi networks

4. Time To Attack Wi-Fi

Its time to attack on the discovered Wi-Fi, just type Ctrl+c on keyboard and you will be asked for “access point” no. of the Wi-Fi, choose the Wi-Fi from the list which you want to hack/crack and note the access point no of that Wi-Fi , which is displayed just before the name of the Wi-Fi .

Type the access point no, in my case this is 5 and hit enter

When you will hit Enter, Wifiphisher will display a screen like the one below that indicates the interface being used and the SSID of the Access Point being attacked and cloned

the target wifi users will be de-authenticated from their Access Point and when they will be re-authenticate they will be directed to cloned evil tin access point.

Now rest of work will be completed by proxy, the proxy on http web servers we created before, will catch their request and will serve up a page which contains a message like a new firmware is available to improve functionality and performance. login again to download and upgrade

When user will enter the password it will be served to you in Wifiphisher terminal. and the target user will be redirected to internet having no idea what mistake he/she just made..

Awww it was a long post , wasn’t it? well fire up comments and ask about your queries…