November 22, 2023

Google Panda SEO strategy for 2017 in Digital Marketing

By Ovais Mirza

Google Panda SEO strategy for 2017 in Digital Marketing

Google has been releasing updates in their algorithms since last year or two. Their main intention is to remove web spam and provide users with most relevant results. But in this war between search engines and spammers, many common bloggers (like me) gets affected.

In this article I will discuss all simplest tricks I used for Google panda recovery. My site was affected back in September last week and my traffic dropped by almost 50%. I think it happened mainly due to lots of attachment pages being indexed by Google. The rest is discussed below.

So finally what is Google Panda (for all those newbies): It’s a complex algorithm developed and named on the title of its developer Navneet Panda (Simply Genius). It has been developed to target all those websites which have low quality and thin content. Performs stuffs like keyword stuffing, hidden links, link selling and etc. In simple words it targets on On-Page SEO Methods.

My Personal Google Panda SEO Strategy For 2017

As an add-on Google released Page-Layout algorithm, which just got updated on 9th of October 2012. That’s exactly on Tuesday. Google have already said that, they are making almost 500 different algorithmic changes in-order to improve the quality of content which is being offered to their users.

But personally I am just feed-up of these changes. I think they are trying to change the world in the way they want.. ( my personal thought ). Since every time they bring up new changes, we are forced to follow them, or else we are gone.

Google Panda SEO Strategy For 2017

So finally below is the list of important factors we have to take into consideration when we have been affected by Google Panda Algorithm. Its also important to understand that the changes you might make, will not bring out any sudden changes. So the only way is to have patience and wait, and in the mean while give your 100 percent to optimize your blog and check out webmaster quality guidelines.

  • Remove Every Low quality contents (In terms of research work and etc.).
  • Writing or publishing thin content ( usually 300 to 400 words )
  • Keyword stuffing ( when keyword density moves beyond 4 to 5 percent )
  • Ads above the fold (when your advertisement space occupies 25 percent or more area)
  • Usage of multiple H1 tags in content area

Also try to keep away from the link farms, since Google really hate them. If you want to build backlinks, then just focus on most logical and natural link-building methods.

Considering my blog, I have deleted almost 48 article and 5 pages. All of those articles were written when I just started blogging. And I have also used too many H1 tags within the content area, but even after months I never edited them, since they were still bringing almost hundreds of visitors.

Although this Google Panda EMD Update (SEPTEMBER). This was to target EMD sites with bad content, still my blog was affected. I don’t know exactly what happened (since I am not an SEO expert, and I am sharing what I have just experienced).



Writing Google Panda SEO Friendly Content

So exactly what we really need in-order to get rid of this bloody algorithm. Just remember that its just a program, and it can be defeated easily since we are humans. What you just need is patience and hard work (which i usually never give).

Matt Cutts says, we should only write articles on those topics in which we feel comfortable and have some idea or knowledge.

And I personally think he is very correct. If you have knowledge on any topic, then you will be able to write in-depth and most detailed contents. So automatically it will become lengthy and unique. And do you know what, search engines loves length articles (since they can’t understand that even the small posts can be meaningful)

So below is the exact checklist which I have followed to get rid of Google Panda:

  • Create lengthy contents (should be beyond 800 words). And I have taken it very seriously. I have already deleted almost 53 pages from my blog
  • Remove duplicate contents (I have removed almost 586 tags from google index and also from my blog). Now there are only 12 tags ( all with nofollow attribute )
  • Take care of your attachment pages ( Don’t let them getting indexed )
  • Use nofollow and Noindex tags for categories, date, archive, author pages.
  • Removing the stop words from permalink structure (that’s who, for, what, do and others).


  • Recreating titles for almost every article.
  • Using images with descriptive title, alternate and description tags
  • Try to add the video ( usually not possible )
  • Removing the spelling errors

Don’t Perform Keyword Stuffing

Actually my blog can’t get penalized for his, since my keyword density is always below 0.80%. But instead of using just one keyword all around, I use some LSI, long tail and best related synonyms. But I have changed my SEO strategy. After having a brief discussion at warrior-forum, webmaster world, I came to conclusion, that from today onward I will bring my keyword density level to upto 1% plus.

Using H1, H2 and H3 Tags Properly

It was one of the most important Google Panda SEO strategies. Although know to everyone, but i still made mistakes (in my earlier days). These tags works in a sequence. Actually they are the key point to consider while developing any search engine optimized theme. According to Bing webmaster tool (website diagnosis) one single page should not contain more than one H1 tag enable title. This seriously affects the overall SEO.

So what I exactly did is listed below (I know this must be known by almost every webmaster, but we learn only after we make mistakes)


  • In-order to get better appearance I change the font size of H1, H2, H3, h4 tags to same size ( that’s 28 px )
  • Removed every second h1 tags from each and every article
  • Added H2 attribute to Sub heading and H3 to less important titles
  • Changed the Relates post title to H4
  • The same with track-backs

Advertisement Placement

After the release of Page layout algorithm V2, that’s” Top Heavy 2 , 0.7 percent of English queries were affected noticeably. It has been observed that if you have too many adverts (approximately 25 percent above the fold area) then you will get seriously affected by this update. Many big brands and website has been already affected by this update (when it was released for the first time).

So did it affect my blog? I will say certainly not. I have one image above the fold, but its not an advertisement, but Google doesn’t understand this. The above the fold ads are-to content percent is less than 5 percent.

Preventing Guest Posting

Though you might consider it as an anti-guest post activity. But I have taken this step to prevent any further Panda penalty on my blog. I have just updated my Guest post page, and have written in very clean manner. I need articles with at-least 800 plus words. And I am not going to give more than one back-link from my blog.

This step allows me to publish really great and detailed articles, which is loved by both readers and search bots. Sincerely it has increased my daily work. I have to spend more 15 to 20 minutes every day or two reviewing these posts.

Google Panda Recover from Domain Level Penalty

No one will ever like this to happen with him. There are hundreds of factors which are considered.

  • Copyright complain
  • Keyword stuffing
  • Malwares or malicious activities
  • Almost no content above the fold
  • Keyword Targeted Domain name

I think there is almost no way to get rid of this penalty. You have to work really hard. Or the simplest methods are to change your domain name. Although you will lose your page-rank, but then you can put 301 permanent direct through google webmaster tools.

So how to avoid it. The simplest method is to follow what I have mentioned in the above content.

I wish my experience would be very useful for you all. I really had very tough time fighting to this algorithm, but finally my Google panda SEO strategy was success. Please share your thoughts.

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