November 22, 2023

Free Fire Battlegrounds Cheats and Tips

By Ovais Mirza

Free Fire Battlegrounds has just over a year since it was released, and has already reached a large number of downloads, being one of the best reviewed video games today.

Whether you’re a rookie player or looking to hone your technique or strategy, it’s always good to have a few tricks up your sleeve to help you emerge victorious in any game.

Also Read: Free Fire Tips for Beginners and Top 15 Gerena Free Fire Tips and Tricks

Here are some tricks that will surely be useful to you.

Free Fire Battlegrounds Cheats and Tips

1.    Landing:

If you are new to the Free Fire Battlegrounds video game , perhaps, you still do not understand that this is the most interesting part of all this fun, because deciding where to start will mark the development and possible end of the game.

Therefore, you should pay special attention to these three tips:

Vertical drop . This allows you to gain just a little advantage.

In what you touch the ground you must run .

Don’t waste time, just run .

Study and learn the map. This way you will know where to go and you will save time.

Also Read: How to Play Gerena Free Fire on Mobile and How to Download Free Fire on PC

2.    The luggage:

Here it is important to know that everything you collect is something less than you leave your enemies, and it is something that you may need.

In order to have a luggage you need a backpack, once you have it, put the following tips into practice :

Take the ammunition that you can use depending on the weapon you have, of course, the others can also be useful, but if you have to invest a lot of time in taking them then it is better not to do it.

It is of utmost importance not to waste time on something that is not sure that will serve you, and this applies in all cases, since many times we expose ourselves to danger or waste time on things that are not worth it.

In the Free Fire video game, all weapons are quite useful, but try to focus on learning how to use basic machine guns.

These are much easier to use, they are found almost everywhere, so it will not be very difficult to get one of them.

There are other weapons that are good as an Ak or a Sniper, but are somewhat difficult to obtain.

Also Read: How to Connect Discord to Free Fire and How to Get Free Fire Skins For Free

3.    Activate the sounds:

When you are learning to play Free Fire it is very common not to pay much attention to sounds, and there are even some gamers who dare to silence them because they annoy those around us, and even themselves.

However, this is a tremendous mistake, since sound activated can be your best friend.

With sound activated you can :

Listen to others, this way you can alert yourself when a threat approaches and you will be forewarned and without unpleasant surprises.

You can be aware of the noise you make when advancing in the game, and you can hide safely in case there is an opponent near you and you want to surprise him.

Wear headphones, I assure you that you will concentrate a lot and you will not inconvenience any other person around you.

Also Read: How to Earn Free Diamonds in Free Fire and How to Improve Ping in Free Fire

4.    Reach the highest rank:

The highest level in the Free Fire video game is Heroic, and to reach it you must play and play for a long time, that easy.

However, you should know that, in this particular case, the most important thing is not to win the game but to reach the maximum level.

To do this, you should consider some tips that we leave you below:

5. Do not miss the points 

This may be taken as superficial advice, but I assure you that it is not so ephemeral, since, when you reach a certain level, you can start to lose points and this will not help anything to achieve the desired goal.

Avoid landing where the action is, this has nothing to do with whether you are good in the game or not, it is a matter of logic, because if you die fast you will get double points, and in the most active places there are more odds of losing.

In this sense, in the Free Fire video game it is important that you stay alive the longest, and the least populated areas will give you that possibility.

Kill only when necessary, just focus on staying away and taking control of different situations.

The “Kills” do not add any points, do not waste time in that action, nor expose yourself to danger; it is clear that in this game you never know what might happen.

Stay away from the “Drops”, for sure, where there is one there will be rivals nearby.

Avoid vehicles, unless it is your only option when processing your strategy.

But if not, avoid them, you will be a decoy and many rivals will attract.

Broadly speaking, these are the tricks and tips of the Free Fire Battlegrounds video game, even if you are new.

I invite you to apply them and be victorious.