November 22, 2023

Does Article Marketing Still Working In SEO

By Ovais Mirza

I just saw an video by Matt Cutts, and it seems that he don’t like article marketing. So Does article marketing still working in 2015, when term of SEO has been changed by google. Since long time this method has been used by companies and almost every blogger for generating dirty free backlinks. But as Matt is head of Anti-Spam department of google and if he hates this process, then their must be a discussion.

Panda And Penguin : Keep’s an eye

We all know about Google Penguin and Google Panda. Panda’s work is to check that, every searcher have best experience with website listed on the search result page. Panda takes care of page layout, site response time, navigation, validation and many more. But Google Penguin’s work is to remove spam sites from the search results or to degrade their ranking. It checks for content, backlinks, keywords and many more.


But before seeing the reasons that hurt your SEO, you must have question, Should I trust this person ? So the answer is see the results : My blog without article marketing and the results after I started I started this process.

Unique Article Sharing : I am posting unique contents to squidoo, hubpages, articlesnatch, goarticles, ezinearticles. All of them review your article within hours and so the content is published as fast. You start getting the visitors from the links. You can see these posts, they will surely help you choosing the right place to post.

Techniques to apply for Article Marketing

So does article marketing going to make your site exposed to Google penguin. The answer is YES and NO. Ok now let me explain you :

Yes because, you are using the following methods and Google hates them.

  1. Content spinning
  2. Submitting to those directories which is not connected to your niche
  3. Using exact Title for linking, and no variations
  4. Linking only domain name and not content
  5. Sending automated search queries
  6. Using black hat tools

Now the ” NO ” Lies here.. And also the answer to how prevent Google Penguin :

Content spinning :

This is the process of creating multiple articles from one single source. The articles created are unique and they will pass copyscape but not google algorithm. In order to create good contents, I also do the content spinning. But the process is manual. Instead of using some software which generate the content by clicking spin or generate, use tools like best article spinner or spinner chief.

Don’t just copy article from one source, copy content from two to three sources on same topic. For example : WordPress seo, wordpress seo plugin, wordpress seo tools. Grab them from, ezine, articlebase, goarticle and then spin them manually.

Don’t submit your articles to all the article directories. Its important to know, whether they offer you the category which is related to your article.

  • Don’t use exact keywords to link your post.
  • Make variation, use two to three words to create small sentence and then link it with your own blog post.
  • Always make sure, generating backlinks for only homepage won’t do good, but if try to generate backlinks for each post. This will create more effect on search engine. ( Remember to create article on same topic as your blog post is, else it will cause unnatural links )

Don’t ever use software like senuke, senuke x, zenno poster or wiki poster. These software even provide options for sending automated search queries to Google. And Google hates this process. These tools involve all black-hat tactics and so using them, means you are harming your self.

Google panda also hates Article Marketing

The very simple answer to this question is that, around 1 to 2 years back.. every spam sites use to post all those rubbish contents on their pages generated by some spinners. Contents use to be unique but were not human readable, so this use to make visitors upset. But these spam sites use to rank very well on result pages. Because they had lots of backlinks from the directories.

Time has changed. Everyone knows, if you want to be in market you have to follow your reders, visitors, users and customers.  And google don’t want to lose any visitor. So they upgraded their algorithm with Panda Search Quality Results Upgrade. This killed all those spam sites, but it doesn’t means article marketing is dead. This upgrade helped to server better results to Googlers. Now the sites with good content and with good quality backlinks are ranking higher.

Test yourself : Does Article Marketing still works for better SEO

Ok if its concerned to SEO, then its always better to test the settings yourself. You can setup up any test blog.

  • Just register for any domain name and make sure to include your keyword in the beginning
  • The second step is to add description ( make your new blog focus on less competitive market ).
  • You can use tools like Google Adword Keyword suggestion, Insight, Trend. Analyses the market and set up your description and keywords.
  • Use good theme framework, which should be lightweight and please don’t setup any ads their.
  • Write at-least 2 times a week and create at-least 10 backlinks to each post from article directories and also submit it to social networking sites.

If you are able to rank 1 for your domain name and link, then the process is working fine. But if not then you have to leave it. Also check your blog post whether they are ranking on google or not. Be specific with your work and also be straightforward while writing the blog post. Write minimum of 550 words in each of your post. So within 3 months you will be writing around 24 blog posts. If you get good results, then you can transform it to your permanent blog. But the test should be carried out with the interval of 10 to 14 days.

Get SEO Training in Delhi to get better understanding as how article marketing works?

I wish I was able to help you with article marketing. Remember that I have myself tested these process and I can say it works for me.