November 22, 2023

How to Check Who Logged Into Your Computer and When

By Ovais Mirza

Have you ever thought of figuring out who had logged into the computer system and when? Do you have the deemed furious aspiration to do so? Well, it is much pleasurable and commendable to know that logon auditing is probable and realistically possible which is enabled by the professionally known version of WINDOWS. It assists us, to track which person has logged into our computer and precisely at what time.

The Audit process facilitates monitoring of both local as well as network enabled logins. It keeps a detailed sophisticated account as to how many user accounts have logged in and at what time. It also deciphers the users who have been logged off and keeps a thorough note of all the needed details.

At the very beginning, the user could open the tab of local group policy editor after which the Window key must be instantly pressed. Preceding that step one could type gpedit.msc found in the Start menu. The logon event may be possibly authorized on a domain controller if a centralized login is being monitored by you. The user could manoeuver through the mentioned folders.

These include the local computer policy, after which compute configuration tab must be clicked. Following this Windows Settings as well as Security settings is high mandatory. At last Audit policy would be visible and viewed by the user.

The Audit logon events policy setting tab could be double clicked exactly in the pane on the right hand side so as to contemplate with its choices. The success Checkbox could be enabled situated in the properties window to manoeuver successful logons. The failure checkbox could be authorized to gauge and identify failed logins.

After approving this setup, Windows could gauge logon events which may include a username and the precious time to the very system advanced security log. In order to see these event properties go to the Event Viewer after which The Windows tab must be pressed and one could type Event viewer.

Proceed to the Logbook of Windows and enter the Security Class in the event viewer. The events with the Identification of 4624 stand for successful managed login events. In order for the user to seek more information; he /she could double click that very event and could scroll downwards within the text box.

In case if your security log is terribly messed up, one could possibly hit enter on the Filter Current Log option present in sidebar that gets filtered by event ID 4624.The Event viewer would show only logon scenarios. One can take assistance also from the task scheduler to take proper action when a logon is taking place. One could also possess a Windows email in order to gauge the logons.