How Can You Create A Blog On BlogSpot.
To be able to write about something and have a blog is an amazing thing. You can easily share and write about things you’d like people to read. If you use certain tricks in blogging, you can ably make handsome profits from them as well.
I would like to share a few details and my personal understanding of the field of blogging with you.
Let’s get started.
What is a Blog?
The word ‘blog’ refers to a web page which contains a set of dated posts pertaining to a particular topic. It is short for weblog.
Blogging, on the other hand, refers to the procedure of writing in a blog.

Why Is Blogging Beneficial?
Blogging is a great way to explore and express your feelings to the world.
It helps you in sharing your knowledge and experiences about several things with your website visitors.
Blogging is a great way to help you refine your skills at writing. I cannot emphasize it over and over again, but blogging is an amazing way to earn money.
It helps you in building a strong professional network for your business and gives your brand good exposure.
Where To Start?
As far as my suggestion is concerned, the best platform to create a blog is by using WordPress(.org). I always suggest people to use their own hosting and Domain to create a blog for themselves. That requires an investment in the first place. This might be a major turn-off for newbies who are afraid of investing their money into the creation of a blog..
And I do understand that this fear and find it reasonable. Trust me, I had it too.
There are many blogging sites which offer you the opportunity to create your blogs for free.

So guys, if you want to create a simple yet effective free blog, I’d suggest you start your exciting venture with
All You Need To Know About BlogSpot Blogging Platform
The Blogspot platform gives you the opportunity to create a blog for free but it certainly has a few conditions and limitations. Please keep in mind that if you are willing to create a blog which has a professional outlook, you should go for WordPress.
However, for a novice, BlogSpot is a great way to begin the journey in blogging.
This blogging platform is created and powered by Google and allows you to post content and get intro the basics of blogging. Therefore, it would not be wrong to call it a Google-centered blogging platform.
Step-by-step Instructions To Create A Free Blog On BlogSpot
- In order to create a blog site , you need to go to and then log into it with your Gmail account. If you don’t have one , then you must create it first.
- After logging in, you must click on ‘new blog’.
- Next up, you can go and create your free blog by clicking on the given link.

Naming Your Blog
- Firstly, add your desired name and select your domain. I would suggest making your domain name a little generic and professional so that you can transform it into a brand later in your life if you desire to do so.
- Next up, you must choose a blog template and then click on ‘create blog’.
And then it’s done. Isn’t it simple?
Make sure that before you begin writing your first post, you go to ‘Pages’ and make an ‘About’ page.
The main aim of this page is to describe every little detail about your blog to your blog visitors. It tells them who you are and what do you write about to build a connection.
As far as my experience is concerned in the field, I’d suggest you change your blog’s present template from default ASAP because it appears to be too dull and boring.
Here’s how you can do that.
- Go to “Settings”> “Template”
- Click on the desired template.
- Click on ‘Ok’.
Here you can also add your logo at the header of your BlogSpot profile.
Once you begin writing posts and running them, you must go to “Settings”> “Earnings” so as to enable your blog for AdSense. This is where you begin to earn money from your blogs.
Since your blog is almost created by now, you can dive deep into writing posts about the things you’d like to write about. You can keep a close check on trends which are popular and write about them too for more views.
Remember ,
More Views = More Money
Final Remarks
When I was a child, I had a passion for writing poems and short stories. As I grew older and learned to blog, I realised blogging is not very different.
In the place of a notebook and a pen, you have a blog which waits for you intently to come and write posts on it.
You can use graphics, colours, and pictures and so many more things to make it look attractive and appealing to people.

And you can earn huge sums of money too.
I ventured into the field of blogging with the help of Blogspot and gained recognition before advancing to WordPress.
You can do that too.
Get started right away.