November 22, 2023

How To Build Trust And A Loyal Following With Your Blog?

By Ovais Mirza

Some people naturally have the gift of gab!

They have a way of speaking that draws people to them. Some of them are those notorious “Pick up Artists” while others can be so persuasive that they can sell ice to an eskimo.

Don’t you hate those people that can effortlessly win people over while you’re struggling just to be acknowledged?

When it comes to blogging, building trust and a loyal following can be a great challenge for the majority of us.

Some of us don’t have the confidence around people online or offline while other of us tend to inadvertently say the “wrong things” a lot.

While we’re trying to put out an artificial image while fumbling our words we’re repelling a lot of people who could potentially be our loyal following.

Yes, you may get a handful of people, but in reality, a handful is not enough to really push your blog and home business to its full potential.

But one thing that’s true is that its starts off with a handful of people, but a lot of you may have trouble going beyond this.

How can you do this?

It all starts off with building trust among your visitors!

In this post I’m going to go more in depth of how you can start building trust with your visitors so you can start building a loyal following and eventually sales!

Yes, you get that feeling that nobody likes you!

When you’re not getting any traffic to your blog it really hurts you in the chest.

What’s worse is that you may be getting some traffic but yet you feel that nobody likes you enough to buy from you!

Also Read: Top 6 Blogging Tips for Beginners and How to Get Blog Subscribers using Digital Marketing

When this happens, you feel like you’re being taken advantage of because of all the free information you’re giving away and you just want to take revenge by not sharing any more information without a price.

But then I have to ask you who are you targeting?

It’s similar to this quote:

“Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes.” ~ Sigmund Freud

This may sound very uncouth and blunt, but you have to keep in mind that you might be targeting the wrong people.

You want to connect with people where you can develop a mutual respect and will take you more serious.

As a result your targeted visitors will appreciate it, take action, and eventually buy from you.

But how do you accomplish this feat?

With trust!

You need to build trust with your audience.

You want to develop the mindset that the only way you can produce great results with your blog is by branding yourself well enough for your visitors to do business with you. People will only do business with people that they trust and you want to stay consistent with this.

Now you’re probably asking how do you go about building trust with your audience?

The first thing you want to have in mind is to start building a community. I have done this with my blog and on my Facebook Page.

When you can have a community that take you serious by liking and reading your posts, then this is a great indicatory that trust is being built with them.

The following Trust Pyramid  illustrates this and shows the steps on how you can get trust.

Build Trust with First Time Blog Visitors

Your new visitors are not only looking for answers to their problems, but they’re also looking for someone they can trust.

When each of us visit a blog for the first time, we judge it from the start.

This is why it’s important to make a great first impression for your first time blog visitors.

According to Amitava 70% Of Brand Perception is determined by experiences with people.(Source: Amitava)

This would mean the way that you present yourself and your blog will determine whether your visitors will trust you and your site to keep coming back.

This will include:

  • Your Blog Layout
  • Your About Me Page
  • How detailed are your topics
  • Any quick answers they can instantaneously use

Your first time visitors will quickly make up their minds on whether they’ll keep coming to your blog or not if you consistently follow just these 4 tips.

For example, my target market alone are looking for quick answers to their problems.

Also Read: 7 Most Vital Tips For New Bloggers and Why your BLOG’s Traffic is Dropped What to do


Because they’re the ones that work 40+ hours a week and a great majority of them have families to take care of. So with that said, their time is limited to maintaining and growing their blog versus their peers.

At the start you want to make sure that the message that you put out on your blog, both in your About Me Page and your blog posts resonate in the minds of the specific audience that you’re trying to attract.

Make it Easy for People to Reach You

If you’re trying to hide, then you’re hindering your target audience’s trust in you.

You have to ask yourself, why would they keep coming back to your blog if there’s no way for them to contact you in some way, form or fashion?

Being available and open to your audience has many benefits to it such as:

  • Finding out what topics your audience is interested in
  • Finding out how to give your audience a better user experience
  • Engaging your audience beyond what they want and find out what they need
  • Being aware of beneficial opportunities from your peers (guest posts, roundup posts, etc.)
  • Branding yourself as a professional to connect with other professionals

Your goal is to be looked upon as an authority when it comes to your niche.

When your target audience wants to know about a certain topic, you want to be the first one that they think of.

For example, if you’re blog is about martial arts, specifically Wing Chun and JKD martial arts, you want to be the one that they come to if they have specific questions when it comes to punches and kicks.

Not only do you want them to contact you via your blog, but also on other platforms like email or social media sites.

Making yourself easy to contact will definitely help you build strong trust will help you grow your blog as well as get more of the results that you want.

Be Transparent About Your Experiences

As counterintuitive as it may seems, your target audience in general don’t like perfect people!

They see perfect people as being “fake” and can become jealous.


Because you’re “perfect” success and results aren’t happening to them and no one they know. As self-absorb as they may seem, they won’t be able to relate to you and won’t see how they could obtain the level of success that they want.

But what if you were more open to share your mistakes and failures?

You can get across to them that you failed your way up to the level of success that you’re currently at.

This will attract the right audience to you. These are the people, despite that there will be pitfalls, will at least be confident that there are solutions that they haven’t come across yet.

In this video, it demonstrates the difference between a Growth Mindset versus a Fixed Mindset.

Get across to your visitors that you don’t have all the answers yet but make sure that they get the vibe that you’re more than willing to share what you do know. This is the Growth Mindset which makes it an “open-minded/learning” environment on your blog.

Also Read: How to Increase Your Blog Traffic in One Hour and Strategies for Growing Communities on Your Blog

It not only will build your reputation and authority, but more importantly it will make you more human among them. It’s a great way to kill 3 birds with one stone!

Show Social Proof

Have you ever heard of having third-party validation?

This is where other people who have some clout can vouch for you and whatever you promote which goes a long way when it comes to building trust.

Here’s are two statistics that was researched by Nielsen

92% of people will trust a recommendation from a peer, and 70% of people will trust a recommendation from someone they don’t even know. (do a canva image)

This may seem counterintuitive that 70% percentage of people will even trust people that they don’t even know, but I have found that this has been true in my own experience.

So how do you get Social Proof?

There are quite a few ways you can do this. Here are 5:

  1. Comments – If you’re getting a lot of positive comments on your blog, then this will help you build social proof. I use Commentluv Premium as an incentive for my visitors to leave comments.
  2. Testimonials – Having your peers leave a positive message about you on your blog will give your visitors and target audience a positive outlook on you
  3. Mentions – When your visitors share your content and mentions you on social media can draw more visitors to your blog as a result.
  4. Social Shares Count – Showing the number of times your content has been shared on social media can help you build clout
  5. Case Studies – Showing how you improved your results or how the products you promote has helped others can improve your conversions.

Limit the number of choices on your blog posts

Paralysis by analysis is what hinders a lot of us to make quick decisions.


We have too many choices!

Adults makes 35,000 remotely choices a day in contrast to a child who makes about 3,000 (Source: Roberts Wesleyan College)

Check out this short video by Dr. Walter Jacobs on Paralysis by Analysis and how to overcome it.

This tip by the doctor would be great for all of us!

But how can you help your audience to make sound decisions that will lead you to building a loyal audience?

Here are some quick actions you can start taking once you finish reading this post.

Limit the number of social share buttons – I have 5 social share buttons and one button for bufferapp. Although this would be consider a lot, I’m still getting social traffic from each.

My recommendation is to only concentrate on the social sites where you get the most results as far as targeted traffic.

Limit the number of fields in your opt in form – I hate those opt in forms where they ask for your entire personal history in order for you to subscribe or register.

What’s worse is when you have to come up with a password and you end up writing a long password filled with characters and symbols!

Also Read: 6 Ultimate Ways To Get More Comments On Your Blog and Benefits of Guest Blogging

So I’ve made it a point to just ask for the email address, or just the first name and email address. Its makes the process go faster and I’ve gotten more opt ins by doing this.

Make your blog easy to navigate and ease up on the side bar – I want to give all my visitors a great user experience. This would also mean that my blog needs to be cleaner cut.

Having a bunch of ads and link on the side bar can definitely cause paralysis by analytics as well as making it hard for your visitors to look for posts you published in the past.

So to make it easier, I cut out the clutter from the side bar and put a search field on the top of the right side bar for my audience to easily type in the keywords for older posts they want to look up.

You can find the search field in the Widgets Section under Appearance in your WordPress Dashboard.

Create Content Your Visitors Want To Read

I have to admit something that’s a major problem!

I’m horrible at remembering names. When I first meet people, they’ll tell me their name and 2 seconds later I’ll forget. Shame on me!!!

But one positive thing about me is that I’ll remember just about everything they rant about themselves from their family to their hobbies.

Why is this?

I have no clue, but when the opportunity comes, it gives me a chance to make some recommendations based on what they told me. This builds great rapport, and above all trust!

Now according to CustomerThink 62% of survey respondents cited listening to customers as a very or extremely important factor in building trust – (Source: CustomerThink)

Knowing what the interests of your target audience can bring you massive results. This is why checking the Bounce Rate is an important metric in Google Analytics to go by.

When you can improve the bounce rate, this is a great indicator that your blog’s credibility is getting better as well.

Check out these 3 graphs From a 2013 post I found on Jeff Bullas’ blog which is a survey he did involving business owners, marketers and bloggers.

What category of blog content is most credible?

The Case Study was the most popular category as far as credibility. When you can share your experience and the process you took to improve, it helps to win over your audience who are trying to reach those same results.

Which factors add credibility to a blog?

As you can see, quality content was the most popular answer. This is something I myself started doing more of this year since I too love reading blogs that are more detailed which has been very helpful in overcoming some of my obstacles.

What types of blog content add most credibility?

With all the talk about video, this was a surprise for me even though Jeff Bullas’ wrote the blog post back in 2013. But there are those like myself who prefer written content since I read a lot of blogs at work on my computer and on my smartphone.

I highly recommend that you check out Jeff Bullas’ blog post on how you can build a credible blog post that people can trust. There were other questions he asked that may give you a clue on what you can focus on so you can improve the results of your blog.


Building rapport and trust is a great skill set to hone, but it doesn’t have to be difficult and convoluted.

When it comes down to it, you want to fulfill the law of reciprocity. You want to maintain the energy of giving and receiving so that it’s always a win/win for you and your target audience.

I’ve always said that blogging is a great way to brand yourself as a solopreneur and one to leverage to build any type of home business.

Using these different strategies will do the trick to help you build trust.

These aren’t the only avenues you can take to build a trustworthy loyal audience, but it’s a great way to kickstart and maintain the process.

Now It’s Your Turn!

How are you building trust on your blog?

Are you having a hard time building a loyal trustworthy audience?

If so, what’s holding your back?

Have you used any of the strategies in the past?

Please share your comments below and share this post with your peers. I look forward to reading them!