blogging mistakes
November 22, 2023

Top blogging mistakes to avoid

By Ovais Mirza

Blogging mistakes for beginners is quite common for the newbie bloggers as they lack experience in blogging, content writing, SEO and social media. These sort of blogging mistakes by beginners would ultimately result in loosing patience with blogging and they left blogging as they start thinking that there is no money in online blogging. But the truth is opposite to it. In fact one can make lot of money online with blogging just by simply avoiding major blogging mistakes. One of the biggest blogging mistakes that most of the bloggers do today is that they don’t consider the users or visitors while writing their blog posts which ultimately led to decline in visitors as the users did not find whatever they are looking for in your blog posts. Also, whatever information you are sharing in your blogging post should be in step-by-step manner including relevant images and videos related to your content.

Also Read: Top 6 Blogging Tips for beginners

Worth to Read: Top 5 Blogging Platforms to Start Blogging


Every blogger do mistakes that are human nature but doing silly ones is not normal. Right??

So, let’s start and see if you are doing some silly mistakes or not:

Top 11 Silly Blogging Mistakes for Beginners to Avoid

Here, in this article we are listing blogging mistakes that most of the bloggers didn’t take care of. These are the top blogging mistakes that every blogger should avoid.

Also Worth to Read: How to Get Comments to your blog  and How to Increase Blog Traffic in One Hour

1. Not adding the nofollow tag and _blank to external links

If you are a newbie you must be thinking that what the hell does these thing do. Right?

Well, with NoFollow tag you can make all the external links of a post NoFollow i.e., search engine will not be able to index these links and thus, your post pagerank would not decrease otherwise.

And the _blank tag opens all the links you choose into a new tab/window whatever you want. It decreases bounce rate and doesn’t annoy your readers, you know what I am talking about.

2. Not buying Premium themes and downloading them for FREE

Saw a premium theme, want it, don’t have money so downloaded it for FREE. Sounds like your situation.

Why don’t download Premium themes for FREE?

Ask yourself first why anyone would give you a Premium theme for FREE. There must be one reason from the below:

You know him.

He is a hacker and he has added some malicious code into the theme so that he can hack your blog easily.

He has added his site’s link in the footer so that he can get enormous back links from your BLOG you know WHY.

Don’t Download.

3. Not choosing a Known Niche

Want to create a BLOG, found a profitable NICHE, starts posting, face writer’s burnout after few months and at last end of blogging career before even starting.

Question yourself do you have a NICHE on which you love to write about?

If yes than you are great otherwise search and find a niche you can love and can have passion about it.

4. Not adding the DMCA protection badge

Why add a DMCA protection badge?

It will protect your BLOG’s content from getting steal by anyone. And today at warrior forum I read a thread in which a person explained how he was completely cheated.

This is what happened to him. He [owner] created a website and added lots of content in it and a person [thief] completely copied his content to his two days old website and with a lawyer he filed a DMCA complaint to Google and completely removed his [owner’s] original content from Google SERPS and now he [owner] is trying to reconsider his website in Google SERPS. Luckily, I have added one from the beginning.

Go and grab one!

5. Not using a CDN

You must be thinking now that why is he (I) talking about CDN here they are PAID.

Well, anyone can have a CDN and can speed up his/her website as I am using cloudfare on this site for FREE. It will speed up your website like charm take my example, I was having Google Page Speed score of 75 before I used CDN and after that It jumped to 90.

Learn from others mistakes and use CloudFare now.

6. Not Updating Plugins

Most of newbies thinks that updating plugins is of no use, it is just waste of time but this is a MYTH.

As updating plugins just not make plugins better but also it makes your website more SECURE against HACKERS.

7. Not Deleting Inactive Plugins

Inactive Plugins on your site = Special Invitation to Hackers Inactive plugins just increases the chances of getting your site hacked.

You will be the silliest person on blogosphere if someone hacked your website through Inactive plugins.

8. Not giving the IMAGE CREDIT to its SOURCE

Anyone can be sued if he/she doesn’t give a link back to the site from where he/she has obtained the IMAGE.

You will look silly if someone would file a CASE on you.

9. Not giving attention to the Keyword Density

With Google’s update by update, it has become smart enough to judge a BLOG if it is SPAM or not.

And Keyword Stuffing (high keyword density, more than 2%) is not allowed to anyone.

Don’t believe me? you can have high density too than. If you are using WordPress than you can use SEO-Tool Keyword Density plugin on your BLOG to know the percentage of stuffing you are inserting in your posts.

10. Not adding WWW before the URL

If your BLOG don’t have WWW at the starting of the URL than first of all this annoys many people and it is BAD for SEO too.

How to add WWW before the URL?

It is as easy as searching on Google if you are using WordPress. Just go to the Settings page and there you will be seeing your URL like Just add www before it and it will become

11. Not even Reading the POST going to PUBLISH

I have seen many BLOGs with spelling errors in the content, it’s heading and sometimes in the TITLE too and I was like how the hell is his site POPULAR than I realized Google is not that SMART.

They don’t even read their post, proofreading is out of the question!!

That’s enough from me, now I think that you will not make any more silly mistakes which I have presented here but do share the silly mistakes you have done or you have seen someone doing.

So, as we list blogging mistakes in the above article, the time has come for every blogger to seriously look out for those common blogging mistakes and take measures to improve their blogging efforts so that it can give them actual results. Happy Blogging!

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