May 14, 2024

Last War Survival Alliance Duel Guide

By Ovais Mirza

Hey there, fellow survivors! If you’re gearing up for the Last War Survival Alliance Duel, you’re in for an exhilarating ride. In this guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know to dominate the battlefield and emerge victorious in the Alliance Duel.

Eligibility and EntryEnsure your alliance meets requirements: HQ level 10+, 20+ members, and top 32 ranking on the server.
What’s at StakeParticipate for rewards like Valor Badges, Diamonds, resources, Hero shards, Drone Components, and Upgrade Ores.
Tactical Master Supply BoxOpen for a chance to win 10K diamonds, legendary decorations, Ultra Rare Hero Shards, and other rewards.
Alliance Duel ProgressFollow daily themes, earn points through specific actions, prepare for Alliance Assaults on Day 6, and aim for top scores for extra rewards.
Pro Tips for SuccessCoordinate base management to gain tactical advantage, optimize drop power, and time actions with Arms Race for double points and rewards.

Understanding the Alliance Duel

The Alliance Duel is a thrilling weekly event that takes place from Monday to Saturday. It’s all about teamwork, strategy, and cunning tactics as you compete against other alliances for supremacy and lucrative rewards.

Eligibility and Entry

To enter the Alliance Duel, your alliance must meet certain criteria. Ensure that your HQ is at least level 10 and that your alliance boasts a roster of 20 or more members. Additionally, your alliance needs to be ranked among the top 32 alliances on your server to qualify for participation.

What’s at Stake

Participating in the Alliance Duel offers a plethora of rewards, including Valor Badges for advanced researching, Diamonds for purchasing valuable items, essential resources for training and building, Hero shards to level up your strongest heroes, Drone Components to enhance your tactical Drone, and Upgrade Ores to boost your heroes’ combat power.

Tactical Master Supply Box

Don’t forget about the Tactical Master Supply Box! Crack it open for a chance to snag 10 thousand diamonds, legendary decorations, Ultra Rare Hero Shards, and other fantastic rewards. It’s a treasure trove waiting to be discovered!

Alliance Duel Progress

Now, let’s delve into the nitty-gritty of Alliance Duel progress. Here are four key points to keep in mind:

1. Preparation Period

The first 5 minutes after the daily server reset serve as the Preparation Period for the next theme of the day. During this time, no duel points will be earned, so use it wisely to strategize and prepare.

2. Daily Duel Themes

Each day of the event features specific themes with corresponding actions for earning points. These actions may include researching, building, training troops, and engaging in combat. The alliance with the highest points before the server reset wins the theme of the day.

3. Alliance Assaults

On Day 6, themed “Enemy Buster,” Alliance Assaults come into play. Prepare for intense battles as players invade rival alliances’ servers or defend their own. Stay vigilant and ready to fight for victory or repel sudden attacks.

4. End-of-Day Rewards

At the conclusion of each day, the alliance with the top score emerges victorious. Members can earn additional rewards based on their rankings on the leaderboard, so aim high and strive for excellence.

Pro Tips for Success

Here are some expert tips to maximize your chances of success in the Alliance Duel:

1. Strategic Base Management

Coordinate with your alliance members to optimize base growth and resource utilization. Avoid collecting resources or completing upgrades until after your opponent has been set to gain a tactical advantage.

2. Drop Power Optimization

Adjust your power level by removing drone components, decorations, and hero gear strategically. Timing your actions to coincide with Arms Race times can yield double points and rewards.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)