November 22, 2023

7 Secrets To Writing Quality Content That Stands Out on the Web

By Ovais Mirza

When it comes to writing quality web content articles, there are a lot of things you’ll need to consider as an online marketer, blogger or publisher.

Just like any business, your success as an online business owner depends on your work ethic and the value you aim to deliver to your audience.

People visit our websites or blogs not to read generic content they could find on Wikipedia but because of the unique view and user experience we inject in our subject.

Today, let’s take a look at some of the “secrets” you can add on your writing arsenal and implement each time you’re crafting articles for publishing.


To start off, I hope that the phrase “content is KING” is no stranger to you. Quality content is the engine that drives the web – Search engines and human readers alike appreciate great content.

I’m sure that the above statement is something that you’ve heard before, but what is quality content really?

Back in the days when the search engines weren’t so smart… internet marketers and webmasters can get away with just about any content  and rank on top of the searches by simply stuffing in their target keywords.

Of course, those types of content aren’t something you would associate with quality. Quality content is focused on over-delivering value, it’s about sharing knowledge, focused on user-experience.

Quality content is a cliche we hear (read) from all those gurus but for me, quality content is simply content that adds value to your human readers; if you can’t deliver this type of content then you’re in luck trying to rank your blog or site.

Over-delivering high quality content is the most important factor in writing content that stands out on search engines and builds your loyal following.

Below are a few pointers to help make your quality content stand out even more on the internet…

  1. Write Interest Grabbing Title – When a person browses  a search results, an article’s title always acts as the deciding factor as to whether or not that person will click through your article. It acts as a searcher’s doorway into your blog or website. If your article is keyword focused, it’s a good practice to always include your target keywords within your title to help the search engines determine what your article or website is about so they can rank your article accordingly on the searches. However, your title must be magnetic enough to grab your potential visitors’ attention into your website. This is called search engine conversion.
  2. Focus on Your Topic – Always remember that the reason a searcher clicks through into your web content is that they’re looking for information about a certain topic  that they thought you were talking about in your article. Staying on track and giving her relevant information adds up to a great user experience and seeds “word of mouth”.When writing about something, most writers fail into the rambling trap. We tend to write about so many other different things that can be discussed in an entirely different blog post.
  3. Think Value – Avoid trying to just get over your article so you can publish it to the world. Add value and give your best to each article that your write. Add your personality – better yet, add your own experiences and just write it out as if you’re talking to a friend face to face or over the phone. The web is an informal form of communication but please do observe basic grammar rules to make it easy for your readers to grasp your thoughts.Anyone with grade 12 English writing skill can craft interesting and high quality content that will rock the web! Focus on adding value by sharing your ideas or experiences and you’ll be able to deliver quality content that will stand out on the searches and your readers.
  4. Search Optimize Your Web Content – People search the internet using keywords. Proper keyword research determines the exact words your target audience use when searching for a topic you’re planning to write.Now that you know what keywords to write about, make it a point that you write your article with SEO in mind but don’t forget that ultimately, you’re writing your content for human readers. Mention your keywords on your post’s title and subtitles and sprinkle them over your article without sounding unnatural.Deep link into that specific article. Off page SEO helps Google rank your article higher – meaning, the more websites linking to your article means it could probably be that interesting that people link to it.

This part is challenging as no one wants to build backlinks that’s why you have to write high quality interesting content so people would naturally link to your articles.

  1. Simplicity Is Beauty – If you’re highly educated, try not to sound PHD-ish when writing your blog post. Keep it simple, make it easy to understand by using words that 90% of your target audience will be able to understand with one read.In other words, write to communicate. Not to impress – people already know that you’re smart and a great writer; don’t pus it!
  2. Research Your Topic – Unless you’re a walking encyclopedia, you may not have the monopoly of knowledge (as everyone else), researching your topics helps you deliver more insights on your content. It also helps you organize your thoughts better and generally give your reader more value than if you just try to write it from what you have off your head.A well researched article will definitely be more interesting than a run-off the mill, 30 minute article that you paid $10 for.
  3. Make it Interesting – In any case, never sound like Wikipedia. Inject your personality as that’s what will make your content more unique. Scholarly writing are for academic books. The web is for people searching from the comforts of their homes (usually in their jammies or boxers) and may not have the patience, nor time for a long, boring, and character-less article on “yeast infection.”

Hope these pointers will help you in crafting higher quality and more interesting articles that will stand out on the search engines to further help you build your raving fans online.