November 22, 2023

6 Proven Blog Optimization Tips For Successful Blogging

By Ovais Mirza


In this article, we will learn about some best and top blog optimization tips that are helpful for you to get visitors and traffic to your blog post. Just by optimize blog post for seo and implementing best blog optimization techniques, bloggers can get good amount of traffic to their blog posts. In order to increase blog traffic, bloggers should learn as how to optimize blog posts for seo. For that bloggers should aware of some basic blogging tips such as ideal blog post length, top blogging tips, how to get blog comments, using wordpress to make money with wordpress, etc.

One of the best ways to optimize blog post for seo is to write good quality guest posts as well. The benefits of guest blogging cannot be underestimated for blog post optimization. By simply applying guest posting strategies in proper manner, we can get good number of visitors to our blogs but for that you also need to put up some efforts to find out high domain authority and high page authority list of guest blogging sites where you can build up links to your blogs.

Even after applying all the blog optimization techniques if your blog traffic is not increasing you need to find out why has my blog traffic dropped and after analyzing the major blogging mistakes, you need to properly applied the best blog post optimization tips as mentioned below in this article

I’ve been working on the Internet for more than ten years, and what I’ve learnt about SEO is that there’s no one-size-fits-all solution for blog optimization, and that the best recipe for success is generating high quality content, being social, and staying abreast of the freshest trends in your niche.

Blog Optimization Tips : 6 Essential Steps

Below I’d like to share some of the proven tips for successful blogging that will equally improve your organic traffic, SEO strategy and your readers’ user experience.

  • Your Design, How To ?
  • Social Media Integration.
  • Guest Blogging For More Exposer.
  • Move With Design Trend.
  • Please Keep Your Blog Fresh & Updated.
  • Don’t Forget SEO.

So, let’s start.

#1 Simplify Your Design

Simplicity is the freshest web design trend that works both for your visitors and crawlers. Remove all unnecessary elements from your pages, cluttering blocks and huge pieces of textual content.

Look at your blog with the eyes of your visitors: is it convenient? Is it neat? Does it have simple navigation and logical structure? Does it have a search box? Remember that user-friendly navigation is essential both for your visitors’ convenience and crawlers.

Suggestion : Its always suggested to use HTML powered navigation, since its easy for search bots to understand its structure and to crawl them. Furthermore you should also perform vigorous internal linking to your older posts and pages, but make sure that the articles are connected to the topic and the information is relevant for readers.

Also offer your readers with elegant feed subscription box. This step will help you build loyal readers who will automatically visit your website whenever you create or post any new content.

#2 Use Social Media Plugins

Social media plays the key role in blog optimization. Running a dynamic blog implies staying in contact with your readers. Never postpone answering to comments and requests. Since it will help you build your authority in your niche and better presence in front of community.

Additionally don’t overlook using social network icons. Integrate social media plugins to your blog to let your customers or readers share your posts and drive more traffic to your pages. As for me, I can’t imagine a successful website that doesn’t have widget of social media icons below or above each article.

Speaking about social media campaigns, you may consider creating a Facebook fan page; it will instantly bring your product/ideas closer to people and increase your audience. Considering the Google’s latest algorithmic updates you should also consider using twitter, Google plus, LinkedIn and other social media and networking websites. Since they will help you to improve your social presence and authority of your website. But most importantly they can act as one of the most important source of referral blog traffic.

#3 Consider Guest Blogging

Guest blogging is very beneficial for your blog optimization. It helps you find new readers and gain credibility. Tend to select popular, reputable blogs for your guest posts. However, you should never consider guest blogging as the main link building method. Its primary target is to build strong relationships, not links.

But you can still use guest blogging for SEO as it helps you get authority backlinks, more social followers, more readers and thus more web exposer. Which will ultimately help your website or online business. So in my opinion every blogger should consider guest posting as one of the most important part of blog optimization for search engines.

You may also publish your visitor’s posts that’s guest posts – they will definitely promote their articles, and thus bring some extra traffic to your website.

#4 Stay Abreast Of The Freshest Trends

If you want to stay ahead of your competitors, you need to update your blog regularly. Readers tend to stay more on pages that have stunning, professional looking design. Below I have gathered some of the freshest web design trends you may want to use for your blog optimization:

  • Responsive and flexible design.
  • Multiple page template in one theme.
  • Custom widget, short-codes and integrated support for social media.
  • Infinite scrolling. It’s far more convenient than traditional pages. Today you can observe this feature on the most popular social networks.
  • Fixed header pane. It can significantly simplify navigation.
  • Use of huge background pictures.
  • Use of QR codes.
  • Apps style layouts (these are becoming extremely popular).
  • Unifying mobile and desktop versions.

Some of the most respected web design reviews even suggest implementing new methods of interacting, such as speech and touch control. These unique functions can attract a great deal of traffic to your blog. Of course, it’s important to resolve more urgent issues first. But if your website performance is impeccable, you may think about improving your visitors’ user experience with these new ways of interaction. Perhaps, you’ll be the first to implement them.

#5 Update Your Content On A Regular Basis

Content is the central element of your blog. Your content must be useful, informative and concise. Visitors tend to read logically built articles with subheadings, pictures, graphs and other visuals. Consider adding video and audio content. If you don’t have time to do this personally, you may outsource a part of your tasks, or encourage your readers to write guest posts for your website.

Many are hesitant to add audio and video files, since they are often ignored by the crawlers. However, there is a brilliant solution: if you want this content to be seen by the search engine, you may add textual descriptions and/or transcripts to your non-HTML content. Thus, both your readers and the engines will be satisfied. It’s important to realize that these days Internet users prefer watching video tutorials, concise presentations and graphs to reading long, never-ending articles.

#6 Don’t Forget SEO Basics

SEO is dead, but not for me. Peoples and bloggers who say search engine optimization is dead are simply fool. According to me SEO is not dead, but it has evolved to next level. Since today Google and other prominent search engines don’t focus on keyword density and meta keyword tags. Today they focus on much more important expect of every blog, website and online business. They consider user experience, social presence, domain authority for particular niche and authority of the author.

  • Focus on long tail keywords.
  • Use Google Adword keyword suggestion tool.
  • Don’t optimize single content for more than two keywords.
  • Keep your content length more than 700 words, since better content offers better ranking.
  • Use Keywords in heading, subheading and as your alternate text for images.
  • Perform internal and outbound links to important pages and authority websites.
  • Add custom meta description tags.
  • If possible highlight your keyword in italic, bold and with underline. Only if it look natural.

Follow the above tips and it will help you write SEO articles that not only rank well on SERP but also offer great reading experience to your readers.

Blog Optimization Resources

A perfect guide for professional and novice bloggers. This guide covers indepth suggestions and tips on keyword research, principal social media marketing, off page search engine optimization tips.

It also covers topic on how to build trust factor, how to craft content and many others important strategy for bloggers.

Get Digital marketing training in delhi from DICC and learn how to do blogging the right way.