November 22, 2023

5 Things Before Writing Article for SEO and Digital Marketing

By Ovais Mirza

A successful article is somehow like an energy cell for your blog to get it nominated in search engines, and as well as in the eye of your readers. An article is the only thing that represents you to the world, and also the one way to describe your thoughts at the point. While writing an article, you may disturb a couple of times by many different things. Many bloggers do blogging from their homes, and are involved in the number of social activities, which cause the real problems for them while writing articles.

Personally, I also experience a lot of problems while writing articles for my blogs, and especially covering the latest technology news on my digital network. But I can say that I have achieved many successful articles after following the below mentioned steps before writing articles for my blogs. With the start of this blog, I decided to share my much owned experience of blogging with my fellow bloggers. So I come up with a dedicated post to share the tips with my readers.

I hope these 5 things will improve your blogging, and as well as will improve your blog ranking in the search engines, as the search engines and every reader want excellent content, and you can achieve the good articles by following some below mentioned tips before going to write articles.

5 Things You Must Do Before Writing An Article:


1-      Take Out Sometime


Before starting your very own article, you must take out sometime of your busy life. Try to schedule your things, and spare sometime for blogging profession, on which you simply have to do blogging; even try to get yourself locked in an empty room with your blogging tools, most probably the one and only your computer or laptop.  Following this tip can increase your productivity level to the maximum, as you will avoid many social activities and will only focus on the selected topic to write.

2-      Avoid Social Connectivity


The social media connectivity is one of the biggest distractions while writing something creative. The social connectivity on sites like Facebook & Twitter boosts your website growth, but sometime it becomes major distraction while writing the article. You should avoid all kinds of social activity while writing your stuff. I can bet they will disturb you at most while doing some research or writing content. Once you accidentally land on some social network site, it will at least take your 10 minutes to get back to your work.

3-      Take Search Engine Help


After climbing into the topic, and performing keyword research. You should take help of search engines like Google to get more reference content for your article, and topic. Search engines will help you in many ways, especially in choosing the unique heading for your article. The uniqueness of title will help you a lot in ranking better in the search engine. With the search engine help, you can easily check whether the users want your content or not, and if they want than how much.

4-      Keyword Research


You must spend a lot of time in this step, as it will help you in recognizing the topic, you are writing about. You should not write blindly on your blog about different topics, you should do some keyword research and add those wanted keywords in your articles to gain some relevant traffic from the search engines.  There are numbered of keyword research tools are attainable in the market, you can also check out the freely available Google Keyword Research tool.

5-      Listen to Some Pleasant Music


Many of you may go to disagree with me on this step, but I know the pleasant music can maximize your creativity level, and as well as help you in expressing your views while writing your content. And if you are the music lover, I bet you listen to music while doing anything in your life then why not while writing the content for your readers? You should give it a try! Well, the main reason behind the pleasant music is, it makes your mind relax for some time. Personally, I am also a music lover, and do listen to several songs while writing the articles. I will suggest you to avoid the more noisy songs while writing the content, as it will disturb you and can as well flash out your mind while writing.

I hope doing these things before writing an article will improve your writing, and as well as your content for your blogs.


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