November 22, 2023

15 Pinterest Marketing Tips to Design your Digital Marketing Campaigns

By Ovais Mirza

Before starting the article on Pinterest Marketing Tips, I like to have a little question & answers with you guys.

  • Do you like the Pinterest?
    • Does the Beginners’ Tip worked for you?
    • How you see Pinterest in your marketing campaigns?
    • Do you believe it is a game changer in the strict Google Panda & Penguin Era?

Pinterest is the rising star in the community, and provides a very clean platform to both users and marketers to share their stuff with a large community. The members of Pinterest are increasing day by day, and it is reaching the new height. Most of you may not be aware, it also works like the old-fashioned (killed) Digg in promoting your stuff, once you get yourself on the top of every page (means on the front page) it will reward you best numbers of visitors, and as well as highly authority ranked backlinks to your website. That’s why; many experts are taking it very seriously in their schedule and very actively working on the Pinterest to promote their products. Well, I think we should stop talking about Pinterest, and heads up to some intermediate Pinterest marketing tips, which will allow you to take complete benefit from Pinterest in your advertising campaigns.

Also Read: How to do Pinterest Marketing Effectively

15 Intermediate Pinterest Marketing Tips to Reach New Height:

  1. Unique Content

The fresh and unique content also matters on Pinterest, even Pinterest marketing works only for you, if you have fresh and unique content on your account. It doesn’t ends on images, and infographics. The attracting videos can also play important role in attracting users to your account and the source website (your website).

  1. Smart Descriptions

It is time to take your Pins to next-level with little informative, and your favoured descriptions. You can easily insert links into the descriptions, but please don’t make it like a spam pin. The moderators over Pinterest are very sharp, and quite active too handle the spam. You should add quality description to your pins.

  1. Pinterest Integration

It’s time to integrate the Pinterest buttons & widgets into your web pages, and posts to show off your Pinterest account to your existing community over your website. Pinterest has a number of widgets, and buttons for the users to implement on their websites. So just take a look at your Pinterest account, and get code of Pinterest button for your website.

  1. Let Others To Do Your Job

Pinterest is a great community hub, especially its Pinboards. The pinboards comes up with features to add other users into your boards to add content into particular boards on your profile. You can pick up two to three Pinterest users who are close to you, and ask them to update your pinboard with their links. It will help your pinboards to grow speedily and widely.

  1. Monetize Your Pins

Pinterest great feature is the ability to price up your pins on the service with just a tag of money symbol in the title of Pin. Pinterest has its own carting system, and it allow users to easily sell their content over the Pinterest. So why not you make use of free of cost feature?

  1. Re-Organize Your Pinboards

Once you start getting response from Pinterest community, it’s time to take a look at your account, and the pinboards to see where users are more engaged, do an analysis to check out which content is getting more hype or which not. Detect the low quality content on your account, and check yourself to improve the content or entirely delete it from your pinboards.

  1. Say Thanks To Others

To continue growth of community over Pinterest on your account, you have to say thanks and welcome to your new followers, and the commenter’s who waste time in commenting on your stuff. You should create a pinboard with name of “Thank You”, where you tag your followers and the commenter’s to cheer up their love for your content.

  1. Be Creative

Pinterest community is very smart, and active than any other community out there. Only creative work can still for long on users timeline, or can at least get love from others. So it is highly recommended to discover new methods to seed your content. Pinterest marketing looks very easy at first glance, but it is not really easy to do.

  1. Be Personal

Yes! Be personal and full of emotion with your content. Make your content full of emotions and inspiring for others. Openly share stuff about yourself on Pinterest, but don’t populate already established pinboards. Make another pinboard on your account to showoff yourself.

  1. Show Your Inner-Geek

If you are working some fancy niche, where tutorials are needed for any task, you should create a pinboard with name “how to” or “tutorials” on your account. The tutorials pinboard will help you in getting some extra love from the users, but be sure to seed only wanted updates.

  1. Old Is Gold

Make a timeline on your Pinboard, get older stuff and represent it in an attractive way. Try to come up with something interactive on your pinboard, which shows how innovative you are.

  1. Highlight Your Team / Company

It’s time to highlight your team members, and there works as well. If you have every team member on Pinterest it makes the process easier. Ask them to join your pinboard discussion, and let your followers know about them. Many of you may believe it will not work, let me tell you! It will work very great for your success in Pinterest Marketing.

  1. Showcase Your Pinterest Profile as RSS Feed

Do you know your Pinterest profile has its own RSS feed? So why not make use of its RSS Feed? Go out and tell your followers that you have an exclusive offer for them to subscribe to your latest content to get it right into their email boxes, and readers.

  1. Info graphics Wonders

Infographics are one of the most attracting media information out there, and users really like to have information in the form of Infographics. It easily drag number of readers to your content, as well as actively drive traffic from Pinterest to your website.

  1. Social Hype

It’s time to remind your Facebook and Twitter friends that you are on Pinterest, and you really have something great for them on Pinterest. Post interesting tweets and status updates to drag your Facebook & Twitter community to Pinterest.

Final Words:

I hope these intermediate tips for Pinterest marketing will help you in reaching a new height of community response on Pinterest. It will make your Pinterest marketing more interesting for you than your readers. I also hope that these Pinterest marketing tips will be quite useful for you and more importantly you will be able to use these pinterest marketing tips effectively.

You can also join digital marketing training in Delhi from DICC to know more about the digital marketing strategies including how you can practically implement these pinterest marketing tips in your social media campaigns.